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03 December 2007

The Gallery of The Horrors. This shoe, it looks like it was put together by the blind medieval monks, for wear by the peasants of the mud. (With thanks to the kellydammit for the link to the Manolo blog in the first place.)
The Manolo would be disappointed at how many of those (or cheap knock-offs thereof) we have in my house. Mammoth Crocs covered in shoe charms are all the rage among the kindergarten set.
posted by jrossi4r 03 December | 13:39
Those Steve Madden shoes look really comfortable.
posted by BoringPostcards 03 December | 13:49
I've got a pair of those Dansko 'sport clogs.' As one might hope, they're really, really comfortable.
posted by box 03 December | 13:49
My neighbor introduced me to the Manolo Blog and Go Fug Yourself a couple of years ago. They have both provided consistent entertainment!

What are shoe charms?!
posted by chewatadistance 03 December | 13:50
BoPo: Steve Madden shoes are unholy in their comfort. My highest wearing-out-in-the-world-heel is a 3.5 Steve Madden Lobo boot (mine are black on black) and I can do my regular 2 mile city circuit in it without problems. The Maddens at the top of this link, however are hideous
posted by crush-onastick 03 December | 14:04
Searching for this probably completely fucked up my profile for those companies who track everything you look at online so they can send you embedded "personalized advertising" and crap, but anyway, these are shoe charms.
posted by casarkos 03 December | 14:14
I have black suede Steve Madden boots on right now. They look just like Uggs though, so I guess points have to be taken away from me.

I have Uggs too and I love them. LOVE THEM, do you hear?
posted by iconomy 03 December | 14:16
I'm sorry you had to do that, casarkos. Yep, those are shoe charms. And Mammoth Crocs are lined with fleece. They look so comfy and the girl loves them, but I just can't bring myself to don a pair.

But you can have my black suede sport clogs when you pry them from my cold dead feet. I hate wearing shoes, so anything that can't be slipped on as I head out the door and slipped off the minute I walk back in is RIGHT OUT. And socks can just fuck right off. My piggies need their freedom.
posted by jrossi4r 03 December | 14:22
Was it Steve Madden who had some kind of financial scandal, or am I thinking of some other shoe person?
posted by box 03 December | 15:21
box: I don't know, but last year he started making dresses and I nearly died of the squeeee.
posted by crush-onastick 03 December | 15:29
(After a little research) Okay, so, apparently, he did about three years in federal tennis prison for money laundering and securities fraud.
posted by box 03 December | 15:35
Them's some ugly kicks, elizard.

posted by paulsc 03 December | 16:11
Just for yuks, here's another Steve Madden link.
posted by box 03 December | 16:28
paulsc--oh, yeah. Luckily the tears of laughter washed the contamination from my eyes. As the Manolo says, There are many shoes that they are perfectly comfortable without making the wearer look like the dork.
posted by elizard 03 December | 17:07
I love the manolo.
And his hate of the crocs isn't just superficial. They also seem to catalogue the regular news stories of croc-related escilator injuries, too. ew.
posted by kellydamnit 03 December | 18:16
My uncle's bride wore white crocs with her wedding dress last summer. Yep. Strapless, crinolined dress and crocs. 'Course I wore heels (though far from stilettos) to the pre-wedding bbq in the same field and damn near broke my neck (without spilling my drink, I'll add), so there you go. Actually, it was pretty funny, which is how she meant it to be (she's not exactly a dress-wearer).
posted by elizard 03 December | 19:02
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