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28 November 2007

A Night I'd Like to Forget. What a stupid evening I had yesterday. I wasn't feeling especially well[More:] when I left work for home and really didn't feel like cooking, so I picked up some takeout and ate it as soon as I got home. I then sat in front of the TV for a few minutes, and promptly dozed off. (This was at about 5:30 pm.) After an hour or so, I got up and laid back down on my bed, fully clothed, including shoes. After another hour or two, I woke up enough to undress and get underneath the covers. The rest of the night was spent in this weird half-sleep that I sometimes get into when I'm not feeling well, where I slip into disturbing dreams and then wake up, but not enough to break out of the dream, and it'll repeat with some variation, and I'll wake up, rinse and repeat. I don't really remember what they were about, but they contained elements of Hitler, Santa Claus, American Football, A Call of Cthulhu RPG scenario I've been thinking about lately, and this weird wall that you have to climb by stabbing knives into it, and it bled.

The only time I woke up enough to get out of bed was about midnight; I wandered into the kitchen and decided what I needed was a bowl of yogurt and a cup of tea.
I hate it when that happens. Really. The whole next day you feel like crap.
posted by iconomy 28 November | 09:28
But no melting bunnies?

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion Metachat.
posted by taz 28 November | 09:28
where I slip into disturbing dreams and then wake up, but not enough to break out of the dream, and it'll repeat with some variation
Like, you're dreaming that you're in a pool with Christie Brinkley, then you wake up, then start dreaming about playing pool with David Brinkley?
posted by mrmoonpie 28 November | 09:45
Also, Helpful Hint: to rid yourself of disturbing Santa Claus-related night terrors, be sure to check out every link on this site before going to bed. (good for 364 days a year)
posted by taz 28 November | 09:47
Those always feel like such 'lost' evenings, don't they? IT takes a while to catch up with yourself again.
posted by Miko 28 November | 10:44
Like, you're dreaming that you're in a pool with Christie Brinkley, then you wake up, then start dreaming about playing pool with David Brinkley?

Neither one of these scenarios would I consider to be disturbing. I'd prefer the former, but either one would be fine.
posted by deadcowdan 28 November | 11:59
I'm right there with you, man. I've been laid out for the last three days with Christmas Yak.

What I hate the worst though is that "trapped under 400 blankets" feeling you get when you're sick. Like your skin is suddenly 50 lbs. per square inch and you can't move.

posted by Lipstick Thespian 28 November | 13:27
The feeling-lousy variation I love to hate is when I feel too tired to sleep properly. A similar one: Tired but too wound-up and stressed out to drop off.
posted by PaxDigita 28 November | 14:30
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