This scares me [via Wired] →[More:]
I really can't put my finger on why. The whole sad drama gives me a vague sense of dread, and bugs me in ways I can't articulate.
Have people always been this easily led
(no, I'm not kidding and yes I'm aware of the Nazis, thanks) or do you think that in recent years the internet has provided a greater degree of ease with which to carry out the whole mob mentality kneejerk reaction?
I get the sneaking suspicion that in this specific case, the whole story isn't really being told here, and is way more complex than anyone's yet let on. There's definitely an element of media pandering in this coverage. The compassionate me feels terrible for the poor kid, but the cynic in me just feels socially-engineered and dirty-by-association, if that makes any sense.
The whole fingerpointing and torches-and-pitchforks mob mentality inherent to this scene just bugs me. I mean, I dig a well-deserved pileon like nobody's business, but this to me kinda goes beyond the pale. Revenge ≠ justice, etcetera.