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14 November 2007

What would be a good name for a group of nerds that gathers monthly to trade lectures? Kind of like a salon for geeks. (Cross-posted from AskMe)
I'm organizing a group where people gather once a month and give each other presentations on interesting topics like quantum physics, neurochemistry, literature, music, and so on. I was part of a similar (now defunct) group that had a terrible name. They called themselves PoS (for obscure reasons), and everyone was quick to point out the obvious joke about the name.

I need a catchy name for my group, one that rolls off the tongue. A friend suggested "TMI", which I thought was great, but I can't think of anything really excellent for TMI to stand for. (Teaching, Meeting, Interacting? Trading Mucho Information? Lame.)

I'm not particularly attached to TMI, so all kinds of suggestions are welcome!
"The Pebblemouth Society"
posted by interrobang 14 November | 15:35
I kind of like TMI, simply standing for "Too Much Information". Like, in a nerdyfun way, not a squickygross way. Or is that way too meta / boring / predictable / subtle?
posted by lonefrontranger 14 November | 15:44

posted by jason's_planet 14 November | 15:48
I suggested 'etc' over there, so I'll throw out "Lux Lecture" over here. Everyone is gonna shave their heads right?

Too bad metachat is taken.
posted by danostuporstar 14 November | 15:54
The Monday Lecture Group
Pedants Anonymous
posted by theora55 14 November | 15:56
The Algonquin πr2 Table
posted by Atom Eyes 14 November | 16:02
I like to consider myself an expert namer of things even if my alias here does not prove the point...

TMI, standing for Too Much Information, is a nice, clean functional name and is friendly in its self deprecating connotation. Sure, it's not intricate and its meaning in your context is barely a quarter twist of its original intention. But do not fear it; it will flourish and bud into strange new fruits over time. You will eat the fruit and take craps of precious jewels. You will regale neophytes with the tale of your new-fruit-rare-gems feces to which they will say, "Too Much Information!" And you will rebut, "Exactly."

I will stand with lonefrontranger on that one.

Since that's no fun, though, here's some more to play with:

Armchair Academia (y / ics)

Rock Paper Lecture

Running of the Bulls

The Last Thing You Will See Before You Die

Civil Service

Almost Gregarious
posted by pokermonk 14 November | 21:03
Since Monday, I have been looking foward || Approved!