w00t! I ordered new glasses! →[More:]
the nice lady emailed me today to say they had shipped!
I have not had new glasses frames in years. YEARS, i tell you, due to lack of insurance and having to spend the available vision fundage on contacts. And contacts are my preference, and all, but they *do* get uncomfortable when worn 24/7/365, and it's good to have the option.
My old pair of glasses are a heavy, fugly set of old safety glasses from my old job at GE nearly fifteen years ago (tho I did remove the side shields). The prescription is sorta, but not exactly, what I need. Besides they're so uncomfortable and ugly, I prefer not to be seen in public with them on.
Therefore I've been dealing with contacts, going without, or wearing mr. lfr's in a pinch (our prescriptions are practically identical).
Praise be to
that is all.