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30 September 2007

so we went to target this morning after breakfast to replace my ipod headphones, and i ended up walking out with a damn wii.

so, today's completely shot. :)
Ha! Congrats, dude. I've never had a console, but lately I've found myself wanting an Xbox... if/when I break down and get one, I'm probably going to disappear from the online world for a few weeks.
posted by BoringPostcards 30 September | 11:58
What game/s did you get? I'm getting my son one for Christmas. I guess I should buy it now, huh.
posted by iconomy 30 September | 12:08
I love the wii! So much fun in one small package. Did you get the Zelda? I recommend it. Yay! You're having fun right now!
posted by LunaticFringe 30 September | 12:22
LOL! DIdja get the head[hones too or just the wii?
posted by chewatadistance 30 September | 12:31
Did you have a lady in front of you screaming for preferential treatment because she pre-ordered her Wii?

I'm thinking of getting a Wii (like I need ANOTHER console) so ... those of you that have one, just how much fun are they? I've been burned on all Nintendo systems since the SNES. The N64 didn't have enough games I liked, and ditto for the Gamecube. But the Wii seems to be selling like hotcakes and I'm not sure why. Inquiring minds want to know!
posted by WolfDaddy 30 September | 12:47
Sorry you're day turned to crap. Hope this week greets you with a little more sympathy.

*curses sytax for having a wii as i can't afford one*
posted by MonkeyButter 30 September | 13:13
The Wii control scheme sounds like a gimmick at first, and then you realize it's a gimmick that works very very well. Now that I have a Wii I can't imagine how the idea of mapping specific buttons to onscreen actions ever made sense. Though a lot also depends on how developers take advantage of the controls, which is why Zelda is (so I hear) amazing and why Red Steel tanked. I'm playing through Raving Rabbids right now and it's deranged and hilarious and awesome.
posted by casarkos 30 September | 15:29
just like it used to be with my atari 2600 way back when, i had to shut the thing off because i have homework to do. and at this point in my life i'd probably sound stupid if i started whining "AWW, MOMMMM!!!"

we've just been having fun with wii sports, mostly - especially bowling. we found out the hard way that we're gonna need another wiimote, so we ran back out and bought wiiplay (figuring "hmm, the wiimote by itself is $40, and for an extra $10 i can get an extra controller and nine games!"), only to find that most of the wiiplay games suck. ah well.

and because i'm such a dork i downloaded the internet channel and super mario bros. (i actually tried to reply using the wii, but i like typing better.)

(and i did get the headphones. and i'll probably be eating spaghetti for a while...)
posted by syntax 30 September | 18:07
We have Harry Potter and the order of the Pheonix, which is not a great game, but it is way improved by having the wiimote. Warioware: Smooth Moves is f'ing hilarious.

There will br a Star Wars game for it in the spring. I'm so looking forward to light saber battle.
posted by plinth 30 September | 18:47
After completing the main game of Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (and unlocking a bunch of other games and movies and such on completion) I'm spoiled for shooting games on consoles--twiddling an analog stick to aim seems so primitive now. I'd played through RE4 twice before on the Gamecube, but with the Wii controls it's essentially a brand new, and significantly better, game. And it's budget priced at $30.

Wario Ware is a lot of silly fun, but I've found that it's not so good as a multiplayer game if the other people around you aren't habitual gamers. On the other hand, in my experience people who profess to hate video games fall in love with the Wii once you get them to make a Mi, and introduce them to Wii Tennis.
posted by Prospero 30 September | 20:58
Raving Rabbids is downright hilarious. We rented it, and I dread returning it.

Super Mario Party is a lot of fun, especially if you have a group over.

Super Paper Mario is one-player, but simply awesome.

We've only had our Wii a month, but I can't imagine life without it now! Well, I can, but it be bleak and dismal indeed.
posted by tr33hggr 01 October | 12:33
Oh, god, I love this show. || Starting an engagement smashingly