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20 September 2007

three point bunnystatus update 1) Still working on the story. I am having Perfectionist Sentence Syndrome.[More:]
2) Also having Easy to Confuse Myself syndrome.
3) My other half is working from home and is swearing at his code.
1. The course I was meant to be on today was cancelled, so I'm in the office. It's busy, but everyone is distracted by management stuff that's going on over which we are (at the moment) powerless.

2. But I'm looking forward to the meetup tonight.

3. And it is only four weeks until my NYC trip. Woo! Yay!
posted by essexjan 20 September | 08:01
1. Bad news. I can't tell you, but it's not something I'm happy about.

2. Different Bad news. I can't tell you what this is either and it's definitely something I'm not happy about.

3. This is the most awesome article I've read in the last week.

you get my email e/j?
posted by seanyboy 20 September | 08:06
1. I'm interviewing a candidate for an analyst position this afternoon. The last interview I conducted went like this:
"Can you lift eighty pounds, no problem?"
"Can you start tomorrow?"
And lo, the retail store I managed had a new stock boy (interestingly enough, he was a nephew of Hamid Karzai and could easily lift two hundred pounds over his head).

2. I'm sleepy. My eyes are puffier than Ami and Yumi.

3. My current free breakfast situation is dire. Where once was a variety of flavored instant oatmeal now sit Nutri-Grain bars; since they're free, I'll eat one, but there are only blueberry bars left, and I find blueberry flavor mixed with preservatives to be offputting, to say the least.
posted by Hugh Janus 20 September | 08:14
seanyboy, good luck!!!

4) My article is making me paranoid.
posted by By the Grace of God 20 September | 08:29
1. I'm very tired. I'm sure I look like hell, because I feel like it. I have a therapy appointment and a lunch date after work. I don't feel like going to either.

2. I feel like an idiot at the moment. I divulge too much. I don't know when to shut up. This is nothing new.

3. I need sleep and a week long detox. I wish I could check into a spa and eating nothing but wheatgrass and edamame.
posted by LoriFLA 20 September | 08:45
Check your email, s/b.
posted by essexjan 20 September | 08:48
1. Hubby got back from Vegas last night, late. We then went to Waffle House and didn't get back till one in the morning.

2. When we got back our neighbors in the back apparently had a banquet table set up in their back yard (abutting ours) where apparently they had a bunch of people over for a meal.


3. I leave for a retreat in the mountains tomorrow. Today the mountain I must climb is composed of laundry.

posted by bunnyfire 20 September | 08:51
1) They've finally shipped my computer so now I check the FedEx page about every ten minutes.

2) Science is playing games with my head but I'm used to it. Got a result that nearly broke my soul yesterday but have since figured out what might have gone wrong. Will ahve to do oodles of testing to see if I'm right or if science hates me.

3) How do you know when friendship is more than friendship? I think I'm falling in love with someone who's been a friend for 5 years....
posted by LunaticFringe 20 September | 08:55
1. I finally took the pictures I needed of the penthouse yesterday and met Mrs. New Owner. To her credit she doesn't have that horrible sibilant "s".
2. It was finally made clear to the designer that she may not come in my place. The contractor was just here by himself and the kitchen work WILL start Monday. The super claimed yesterday that the insurance wasn't in order, but that's been clarified.
3.I need to stop glutting myself on old movies...I don't want to be like the awful people of Cinemania and there's a horrible piss-stinking old man who's started cursing at me when I go to the revivals.
posted by brujita 20 September | 09:30
1. Babies suck. Never ever have one. Ever. Seriously. DO NOT DO IT!!!!!
2. Don't forget to take your pill!
3. Wear a condom.
posted by jrossi4r 20 September | 09:33
1. Big fight with son last night over abysmal report card. Guilt over fight led to me making him pancakes for breakfast and big elaborate packed lunch. He wins.
2. Big meeting tomorrow morning about abysmal report card and behavior with all his teachers at high school, including guidance counselor and principal. Wow, sounds like big fun. Jesus. Listen, oh my children, to the wise words of jrossi4r, because one of the most horrible things about babies is that they turn into teenagers.
3. Have to work this weekend. Do not want! Want to leave troubles behind and drive to see close friend far away for weekend of sin. Sigh. Not possible.
posted by mygothlaundry 20 September | 09:41
1. All of my friends, yes all of them, OK well maybe 4 of them, are pregnant. I don't want to be, but I hate feeling left out of things. heh, well, maybe jrossi changed my mind
2. Lots of work to do today, and I have to be done by 4.30.
3. Small, Tuesday night meetups are fun! Should be done more!
posted by gaspode 20 September | 09:41
update (in re. children)
posted by By the Grace of God 20 September | 09:46
1. Guitar

2. is on

3. back order
posted by chuckdarwin 20 September | 10:25
1. My slumlord sent roofers out. One fell through the rotted roof directly over my bed because the slumlord never fixed anything. Now I have to sleep on the couch and hope it doesn't rain.

2. My slumlord doesn't hire non-whites to work for him, and rarely rents to non-whites. He once fired someone because he's "too short". It's amazing that people like that still exist.

3. My slumlord will recieve our 30 day notice on October 1st. It pains me that I have to be nice to the bastard so I get a good rental reference. Will he fix the hole above my bed by the time we move out? Probably not!

In summary, fuck landlords.
posted by cmonkey 20 September | 10:34
1. I have a new job! I've known for a few days, but I'm still reveling in the news. And in the joy of quitting my current job and playing out the string for the next week.

2. I'm putting the finishing touches on a model rocket for a bachelor party this weekend. Said party will involve a bunch of guys going camping, taking model rockets and intoxicating liquors with them. My rocket is called "The Liquidator" and contains a built-in capsule for sending liquids up. Rocket shots are in order.

3. I'm a little worried about the changes to my dog's routine because of #1. But, then, she's a dog.
posted by cobra! 20 September | 10:45
1) Just got back from my interview, thanks for all the bunny luck guys! I'll let you know what happens.

2) I was about to open this can of delicious soup I bought when I realize that I have no can opener. So scrambled eggs for lunch it is.

3)It is a really nice, sunny day and I have the whole day off to chill and do nothing. Yay!
posted by SassHat 20 September | 11:22
1 it's refreshingly cloudy, keeping it cool.
2 discussions are officially open with the manuf. on building prototypes of my new cabinet designs.
3 Betty is very hairy. All our furry kids are, in fact.
posted by chewatadistance 20 September | 11:35
1. Yay SassHat!
2. Yay me - I'm healing and breathing better!
3. Boo! Have to work late tonight.
posted by mightshould 20 September | 11:46
1. Trying to finish the rest of my work and leave early today, because

2. The dog I'm watching is something less than perfectly housebroken, and past experience suggests that every minute counts, and

3. My copy of Brasilintime arrived today, and I'm pretty excited.

4. In a pinch, you can open a can with a Swiss Army Knife.
posted by box 20 September | 13:55
1. I'm feeling Pantsy.

2. I'm feeling loopy and lonely and hungry.

3. I have much work to do oh yes. Sorry pants.
posted by rainbaby 20 September | 14:12
1. I found $84 on the sidewalk this morning.

2. I got a guitar amp on FreeCycle earlier today. My daughter is learning acoustic, and she's been begging for an electric, so this definitely gets us on our way.

3. I got a small greenhouse on FreeCycle just now. The MrsMoonPie, an avid gardener, will be thrilled.
posted by mrmoonpie 20 September | 15:57
1. Since my son left, last Friday, I have been feeding myself exceptionally well. Last night I made a portobello mushroom burger with fresh tomatoes and a little blue cheese dressing and had some salad with it... nectarines to finish. It was simple but delicious. I miss him, but I am not missing kitchen turf wars.

2. I have a bunch of correspondence to catch up on tonight. I have been saying that every night, but every night after work I've been going to the gym, and by the time I get home I'm not good for anything but reading and having the House and Gardens channel on in the background.

3. I wore black tights today for the first time since last winter.

4. A co-worker just came in and regaled me with tales of how she talked to three sick people on Tuesday, and is now coming down with a really nasty bug. Erm, thanks.
posted by jokeefe 20 September | 16:14
1. Booked a flight to spend Thanksgiving with my sister and her family and the new baby. First Thanksgiving since the divorce, and I was picturing myself alone at home eating soup out of a can, so it's a bit of a relief.

2. Keep trying to find time to have a Big Talk with my boyfriend about the problems in our relationship, but he has cleverly avoided being available for a week now.

3. Still unemployed. I have a $100,000 JD but no law license yet, so apparently that makes me useless and unemployable.
posted by Twiggy 20 September | 17:38
1. Exhausted. Students are kickin' my butt this year. Terrible day followed by half-way decent day followed by terrible day... I need to buy some tequila.

2. Our first anniversary Sunday! Porterhouse for two at Peter Lugers to celebrate... *Homer drool*

3. My mom's home from the hospital. Had a bit of a scare with her heart, but tests were negative. Gave me quite a scare there, though. She's 92, but I keep hoping to have her around a good while longer. I'm encouraged by those Smuckers 100+ birthday wishes Willard Scott does on the weekends.
posted by Pips 20 September | 17:59
1. Our 5th anniversary is Saturday! We're going out to dinner.
2. I designed matching tattoos for us. After everything we've been through this year (which has drawn us closer together) we wanted something to signify our recommittment to each other.
3. Fall is here! This whole time of year, from Labor Day through New Year's, is my favorite season.
posted by redvixen 20 September | 18:34
1. Am at office waiting for my boss to arrive.

2. Went to book the tickets for The Bourne Ultimatum yesterday, but got informed that it wasn't releasing here this week.

3. Saw the India vs. South Africa match yesterday and was sure we'd lost it after we finished our batting. Went to bed, and woke up in the morning to find out that WE won.
posted by hadjiboy 20 September | 23:39
A question, and a PSA: || It's an mp3 party, woo woo!