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20 September 2007

I can not find my birth certificate! [More:]I need it, like, now. And I was born in Korea, and it's a certificate of birth abroad, and it takes between four and eight weeks for the State Department to find my original record in the National Archives, and if I want to request a new copy I have to send them a bunch of stupid notarized crap, and so it'll cost me a gazillion dollars to have it done.

I don't have a gazillion dollars. I just bummed $20 off my boyfriend so I can get my meds today.

The birth certificate -- the original -- is here in the house somewhere. I put it in a safe place, which means I will never, ever find it.

And seriously, I need it now. Today. This very instant.

/end rant
I just found mine in an unexpected place yesterday. Need to borrow it?
posted by StickyCarpet 20 September | 12:27
Sticky, thanks for the offer, but sadly it won't work. You see, I need the name on the birth certificate to match my name and social. I guess I'm high maintenance.
posted by brina 20 September | 12:28
Is it tucked in a book?
posted by iconomy 20 September | 12:34
iconomy, I doubt it. I have hundreds of books, though, so I really kind of hope not.
posted by brina 20 September | 13:25
Is it in your desk? The hanging folder that says "personal info"?
posted by deborah 20 September | 14:37
Is it with your passport and Social Security card? That's where I keep mine. Of course, if you've lost those, then you're in a bit of trouble; are 3 forms of identification easier to find than 1?
posted by muddgirl 20 September | 15:28
I keep mine on the corkboard in my computer room so that I always know where it is.

Also, when I originally read this earlier in the day I misread it as, "I cannot find my birth control!"
posted by fluffy battle kitten 20 September | 16:03
Look in your suitcases!
posted by youngergirl44 20 September | 18:04
Put it out of your mind and look for something else. It will turn up.
posted by gomichild 20 September | 21:57
Bunnies! OMG! || Emusic users: