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18 September 2007

Fancy a Drink? (a poll with no buttons) Coffee or Tea? [More:]
How do you take it? Milk and sugar? Do have drink really "fancy" coffee (latte, espresso, etc) or special tea (herb, fruit, Earl Grey, etc)?

Do you drink a lot of water every day?

Do you drink alcohol?

Beer or Wine? What kind of beer (real ale / lager)? Do you drink expensive wine?

Cocktail? Something strong (absinthe, moonshine)?
I only put moonshine on because I know jonmc is going to look at everyone's responses and call us all lightweights.

Should I have included battery acid / urine / bleach?
posted by chuckdarwin 18 September | 08:03
I drink coffee. I drink coffee many ways. Toddy, I drink black. Drip, I drink with milk. Espresso, I drink with a twist of lemon. Cappuccino, I drink with sugar. After dinner, I like it with whiskey.

I drink hot tea. Earl Grey or Irish breakfast with milk and sugar. Lapsang Souchong with sugar. Green tea with sugar. Luzianne, cold with sugar and lemon.

I drink room, temperature water without ice, only. Not a lot. I drink fizzy water, room temperature without ice. A lot.

I don't like the beer taste of beer. I drink lots of wine. Some expensive, some not. Nothing from Australia (I've never had one I liked).

I like adore whiskey. Bourbon, rye, Scotch, Irish. No Canadian. No reason. One of the best days ever was the day my dad said I'd made the Manhattan perfectly (he was prouder at my graduation, but more pleased with the Manhattan, I think). I drink it neat, mostly. Right now, I have Dalwhinnie and a Balvenie in the cabinet. Last date night, I was drinking Oban.

I won't drink rum. I like Campari; a Pimm's cup is nice, some vodka cocktails are nice in the right context. Caipirinha is my swishy drink of choice. Some cordials make it into my bar (Athol Brose, Frangelico, Benedictine) but they sit for a long time untouched.

Tequila's good, when served by someone who recognizes that a good tequila has more in common with a scotch than rotgut. Unless it's when my dear amazing friend Phaidra is making jello shots. Then Jose Lopez it is and damn the consequences.
posted by crush-onastick 18 September | 08:21
Tea, green, no sugar. Sometimes I also drink mate. I rarely drink coffee, as it makes my head hurt (high blood pressure).

Don't drink much water, as I tend to drink quite a lot of tea.

Alcohol? I prefer wine to everything else, but I also like cider. I usually avoid stronger things, since I can get drunk real quick.
posted by Daniel Charms 18 September | 08:23
I kind of like Bloody Marys, but I haven't had one in a long time.
posted by chuckdarwin 18 September | 08:23
crush-onastick, can you tell me why everyone in Britain is happy to drink instant coffee... and even homeless people in America won't touch the stuff? Is it just Coffee Snobbery? I don't drink the piss, myself, so it's hard for me to grasp.
posted by chuckdarwin 18 September | 08:26
I only put moonshine on because I know jonmc is going to look at everyone's responses and call us all lightweights.

Should I have included battery acid / urine / bleach?

Yer all lightweights. *gulps a deadly cocktail of moonshine, antifreeze, aftershave, stain remover, and gasoline*
posted by Daniel Charms 18 September | 08:27
I like my water sometimes with bubbles and lime.
posted by gomichild 18 September | 08:30
*waits for Daniel Charms to start handling snakes and dancing to some crazy rockabilly gospel tune*

Mark 16:18, right?
posted by chuckdarwin 18 September | 08:34
Because it doesn't taste like coffee? Americans like the acid from the bean in the coffee--we are a drip pot, hot plate coffee nation. Black, hot and corrosive. Why do you think Starbucks is so popular?

You don't get that from instant. It's why I nevernevernever serve a guest Toddy. Toddy removes most of the acid from the coffee and it tastes "thin" to most people. I have a french press, a moka pot, a percolator and a turkish pot for guests. I'd like to have another vacuum pot. That was wonderful coffee.
posted by crush-onastick 18 September | 08:36
I start every day with an Emergen-C, mixed with seltzer if it was a late night. Then black coffee. At home I'm using a French press these days since my Mr. Coffee broke and I love it, because it makes cheap coffee from Aldi taste expensive. But I like dark, thick, bitter coffee (like I like my men, dark, bitter and a little thick.) Then all day at work I drink room temperature water; a lot of it. At home I drink seltzer, sometimes mixed with juice, usually not.

Then, sigh, beer, which I'm going to have to cut way, way down on if not out altogether. PBR is my beverage of choice or Highland Gaelic, a local microbrew. I like Sierra Nevada, Magic Hat, Tecate, Stella Artois; lagers & IPAs, not a big fan of porter. I drink vodka tonics at my mothers' and in the summer; usually whiskey (Jamesons or Makers Mark) or rum in the winter. I go through phases but generally I rarely drink liquor, mostly beer. I'm not a wine person at all and I loathe champagne, which gives me an instant splitting headache.

Moonshine? Hell yeah, if somebody's passing a jar around the campfire, and here, honey, they usually are. Particularly the cherry kind, the red stuff that looks frighteningly like antifreeze.
posted by mygothlaundry 18 September | 08:44
Mark 16:18, right?

Steve 13:9. And they said unto the lord: "Did you really think we could be impressed with cheap tricks like these?" But He did not reply. Instead, he gulped a deadly cocktail of moonshine, antifreeze, aftershave, stain remover, and gasoline, and started dancing to some crazy rockabilly gospel tune.
posted by Daniel Charms 18 September | 08:46
For years I drank a lot of coffee; always strong & black, with no sugar: I liked Lavazza Qualità Rossa espresso best of all. I gave up caffeine altogether for a while earlier this year, and have since turned to green tea, which I drink with no sugar or anything else added. I particularly like the kinds flavoured with jasmine or osmanthus.

I drink a lot of water every day: tap water, mineral water; I like it all.

I drink alcohol too. Oftenest I'll have red wine: I've no single favourite kind but usually go for something a couple of notches up from the bargain basement. I also drink single malt whiskies, and, lately, good rums. I drink beer when I go to the pub (which is not very often), or when I'm on vacation.

chuckdarwin—as to why Brits drink so much instant coffee, I don't know; I used to drink it myself until I moved in Italy, and woke up to the suddenly very obvious correctness of espresso. I never liked the British way with tea, PG Tips with milk & 2 sugars, etc. I assumed I just didn't like tea at all until someone insisted I try the green kind.
posted by misteraitch 18 September | 08:47
I don't like to drink anything that makes me feel like crap afterwards, so I stay away from caffeine and alcohol. I hate the sour stomach and crash I get from coffee....ugh. I don't like being drunk, so I don't really see the point in drinking, although I do probably have a Manhattan or two every couple of years, just to keep in practice. Just in case there's ever a Manhattan drinking contest near me. You never know.

I like OJ and water and lemonade that I make myself. I'm drinking some now - freshly squeezed lemon and a dash of maple syrup for flavor. It's good.
posted by iconomy 18 September | 08:54
I love coffee. I drink it almost every day. Drip at home or I'll swing by Dunkin Donuts on the occasional weekend. I like Starbucks in the afternoon. If I'm in Target or Barnes and Noble with a Starbucks I'll order a coffee if the mood strikes. My drink of choice is a tall non fat latte.

I like tea. Right now I'm drinking a lot of Earl Grey and Lady Grey. Like my coffee I take it with a little cream and Splenda, or just cream.

I love beer. Beer is my alcoholic drink of choice. I like everything from Bud Lite to Stella Artois to Corona.

I drink wine. A lot of my friends are winos so I drink it when I'm with them. I buy wine occasionally, but don't like to open a bottle unless I have someone to share it with. (Husband doesn't drink wine.) Pinot noir and shiraz are my favorites. I love the Penfold's shiraz and blends. I like a good chianti. Anything red and smooth. Anything with too much tannin is not my cup of tea. The heavy Carbernets aren't my favorite, but I'll drink them. A chilled Chardonnay or a pinot grigio is nice too. I'm not too picky about wine.

I don't drink hard liquor all that much. Once in a blue moon in a fruity rum punch or something like that.

I drink water. From the tap and Zephyrhills. I like my water room temperature.
posted by LoriFLA 18 September | 09:02
The only part of coffee I like is the smell. I don't even like coffee ice cream.

I like tea. For hot tea I like Irish or English Breakfast, usually with lemon unless I'm feeling icky then it's with honey and lemon or honey and half 'n' half. If it's iced tea, the type doesn't really matter as long as it's strong (brewed), not sweetened and with lemon.

I drink way too much generic diet Coke. Somewhere between a litre and a litre and a half per day. I frequently add a slice of lime.

I also drink a lot of water, usually 6-8 glasses of it (48 to 64 ounces).

I don't drink much alcohol, maybe 5 drinks in a year. Most of the drugs I'm on say no alcohol while taking them. I don't like beer. I know I'm a heathen, but I never developed a taste for it.

I like milk (2%) and have it on cereal when I'm in a cereal mood. And I'll have a small glass of oj each weekend morning unless I'm trying to be good and then I'll have milk.
posted by deborah 18 September | 09:05
I drink tea and coffee, but not regularly. I love coffee (at home, with a french press, otherwise a flat white and I'm still not sure how to order a coffee to get the same thing as that in the USA). But I can and do go weeks without drinking coffee - I never established a habit. I usually have 6 or 7 teas and herbal infusions at home, from English Breakfast, through chamomile and licorice, but I only usually only drink tea in winter.

I drink 3 or 4 big glasses of tap water a day, one when I wake up, and a couple or three after I work out.

I don't drink fruit juice, or if I do, I cut it 50 % with seltzer. By itself, it's too strong for me. I drink one can of soda (diet coke) per day, with lunch. blah blah aspartame, but I don't think one can is killing me. Homemade lemonade, yum! Bonus points for added spearmint.

I love beer. Yuengling is my go-to everyday beer, but I also love Newcastle Brown, Smithwicks, Harp, and a variety of NZ beers. Sam Adams summer ale rocks my world for the couple of months they sell it. I also love wine. After years of disliking them, I'm learning to love the sweeter pinot gris and rieslings. But I like most types of wine, except the big big reds. They give me headaches anyway, so it's not much of a loss. Other alcohols? Vodka, in a seabreeze. Jack. Pimms mixed with fresca. Or a Pimms cup.

posted by gaspode 18 September | 09:09
I don't like hot drinks. I like my tea very cold, with lots of sugar, but I've learned not to discuss what that drink should be called. I don't care for coffee at any temperature.

I drink water at night -- keep a bottle by my bed.

I'm very fond of beer (especially this brewery) and wine. I would drink expensive wine if I could afford it (I have very fond memories of a certain chateauneuf du pape), but instead I'm working on becomming an expert at cheap wines.

Mixed drinks: I make sloe gin fizzes and vodka tonics at home. Am willing to try pretty much anything anybody else makes for me.

I also drink a lot of diet soda and the occasional glass of milk.

posted by JanetLand 18 September | 09:11
Used to be coffee in the morning, but lately tea. English Breakfast (with honey and lemon) or Earl Grey, sometimes with a bit of yerba mate mixed in for a bit more kick. At work unsweetened ice tea or water and about 1 diet coke a day. For booze, single malt scotch, really good tequilla or good vodka. Beers, used to be an ale head, but lately it's the lighter stuff, Pilsner Urquell is a favorite although I still have the occasional urge for Spaten Optimator, which is the German equivalent of Old English 800.
posted by doctor_negative 18 September | 09:16
Coffee with lots of milk and sugar (+1 equal). They have a machine here at work that "makes fresh" coffee when you push some buttons. My big mug mugs takes two fills from this machine: one 'light', one 'latte'. Delicious.

I also love the machine messages on its little LED:
Someday I will have a sock puppet named drink in process.

-I drink 1-3 64oz. Nalgene bottles of water a day (after workouts, during hot baths...I'm a sweaty person). Sometimes with lemon juice and an equal.

-Two cans diet caffeinated soda a day, preferably Red Mountain Dew but it's hard to find.
-Skim milk, buttloads. Close to a quart a day.
-Probably around 16oz of fruit juice, usually orange.

-Beer sometimes, 2-3 week and special occasions. Anything that's not Coors. Abita is a treat.
posted by danostuporstar 18 September | 09:19
I drink coffee - hot, black, strong.

I love sparkling water. I drink about 1.5-2 litres of it every day.

In a pub if it's crowded and loud it's usually easiest to ask for Diet Coke but I always regret it because the aspartame leaves a horrid taste.
posted by essexjan 18 September | 09:21
Oops..32oz Nalgene bottles
posted by danostuporstar 18 September | 09:30
I drink a can of Diet Coke (in the morning) and a can of Fresca (with dinner). I fill up my water bottle from the fountain and finish by the end of the day. TheDude and I drink cold fizzy watter, with ice, as a digestif.

I drink coffee when I can get it, except from Starbucks. At starbucks, I order lemonade mixed with iced tea, unsweetened (in the carolinas they call this "swamp water"). I really only drink hot tea when I'm sick, or when its cold outside.

I drink beer. I drink bourbon and coke with lime juice and mint leaves (LBJ's prefered drink, I hear). I like vodka and gin, but not rum.
posted by muddgirl 18 September | 09:43
Coffee every morning, strong and black. Used to be from my french press, but now from the programmable Mr. Coffee that makes coffee while I sleep or run and then has it ready for me. Sometimes another cup in the afternoon if I am dragging, but rarely.

I've tried to get into tea. I used to drink a ton of iced herbal teas, Celestial Seasoning. I'd like to get into that again.

Water, tons of it. All day, often when I have another beverage as well, esp. booze.

Beer, yes. Usually Sam Adams light, but often Leinie's, Goose Island, sometimes seasonal beers. Abita IS a treat, as is Dazed and Confused. I tend to stay away from porters and the real dark brews.

Mixed drinks - fall back is an Absolute or Grey Goose and cranberry. Sometimes the same but with Red Bull. Sometimes a vodka tonic or a rum and coke. I don't drink much whiskey anymore, but in college I sure did - Jack and Seagram's VO were always found in my college apartment.

Hell, in college I drank just about anything. Slo gin, gin and tonic, schnapps of any imaginable flavor, whiskey, rum, cheap vodka. Not so much anymore.

Wine for sure. Rarely a white like a pinot grigio, more often a zin, syrah, petite syrah, or a nice robust cab sav.

I sometimes drink juice, love V8, but usually don't have it around. Will sometimes have a smoothie or an energy drink.

I love beverages, really. If I could, many days I'd subsist on nothing but.
posted by tr33hggr 18 September | 10:00
Coffee. One big cup, but homebrewed to be rich in caffeinated goodness. Thick dark coffee, with a tiny splash of milk and as much sugar as sits in the tip of a teaspoon.

I used to go through a pound of coffee beans every three days. My heart beat harder then, and the world was brighter. I've cut back --- way back.

Yesterday we were out running errands. I hadn't had my coffee yet, so we hit a drive-thru where I ordered the largest hot coffee. A few minutes later, The Fella looked over and laughed. "You drank it all? Already? Nice." When we got home, I had to take a nap. Store-bought coffee doesn't do it for me.

Coffee is my last real addiction. I'm a bit ashamed of how I need it.
posted by Elsa 18 September | 10:01
I drink only distilled water, or rainwater, and only pure-grain alcohol.
posted by Hugh Janus 18 September | 10:03
My heart beat harder then, and the world was brighter.

Ah, yes, Elsa. How I miss those days, too.

I like the soy milk. Sometimes I drink it in lieu of lunch, if I can't get away. I drink a lot of 1% milk, too. And hot chocolate: the kind made with chocolate, not cocoa powder. Milkshakes, too. Yum. Malteds.
posted by crush-onastick 18 September | 10:06
posted by gaspode 18 September | 10:07
I drink lots and lots of tap water. With a straw. Not usually with ice, because I chew it compulsively and it drives my co-workers to homocidal tendencies.

Green Jasmine tea in the morning. Once in a while I'll have really strong black ice tea.

In the winters I drink whole Raw milk (only I've scalded it it myself to give it that sweetness) nice and warm.

Alcohol- Anchor Steam or Red Tail once in a while. A shot of Lagavulin for a treat.

I feel crappy when I drink alcohol or eat sugar so I don't do it much. The same with drinking coffee, even decaf, though I love it.
posted by small_ruminant 18 September | 10:21
My long-range plan to get iconomy drunk and take advantage of her has just hit a snag. . .
posted by danf 18 September | 10:23
Um, My espresso maker is broken, so I am making do with a drip coffee maker. I usually do 50% decaf but it always has to be organic and shade-grown. I'll grab latte during the day, somewhere, usually.

Alcohol use is down to maybe a glass or two of wine every 3 days, and a sixpack through the summer. I can usually get a sixpack, and, months later, find a "miracle beer" hiding in the back of the fridge.

I have a bottle of Stoli and a bottle of Herradura in the cabinet, and I have no idea how old they are. They get hit on every so often but not much.
posted by danf 18 September | 10:30
I hate water. Don't know why. Just do.

I'm a strong black coffee girl. Occasionally I'll have a caramel macchiato or something frilly. Tea is for nighttime, to help me relax. Although a glass of cabernet or a rum and (caffeine-free diet) coke are much more effective for the purpose.

The weather's cooling now, which means I can return to my favorite--chai latte. I've missed you buddy!

posted by jrossi4r 18 September | 10:32
My favorite drinks:

Water. Usually tap, and lots of it, though sometimes I give the environment the finger by buying bottled spring water--usually Mountain Valley Springs, which is fairly local and thus makes me feel less guilt, rarely Trinity or Fiji or Volvic or something. Lately I've been putting a drop or two of peppermint oil in my water, especially when bicycling.

Tea. Iced mint green tea, usually, when I make it myself, sometimes hot green or white tea. Black or green in restaurants (don't much care for sweet tea), whatever people offer when I'm in their homes. Ixnay on the 'herbal infusion' kinda stuff though--if it's not tea leaves, I'd probably prefer water. Much more iced tea in the summer, and much more hot tea in the winter.

Beer. Imperial stouts, strong ales, Belgian beers, craft beers, all the usual beer-nerd stuff. More IPAs and Mexican beers in the summer, more porters and stouts in the winter.

Besides these big three, I also like the occasional coffee, juice, Arnold Palmer, hard liquor, red wine, hippy soda, etc. I love beverages.
posted by box 18 September | 11:12
Malvern water. It comes right out of the granite here (the very granite hills which I live upon), and I dutifully take ten (10) 5-litre jugs to the nearest fountain and fill them up (every two weeks). It's free to me, but the Queen and everyone else has to pay. I can't get enough of it. My brother, who is really fussy about water, declared the best thing ever. It tastes like cold sunshine.

Real Ale. Timothy Taylor. Shropshire Lad. Black Sheep. The pubs here have guest beers in a lot, so I try new ones a lot.

I do also like Carlsberg and 1664.

No spirits at all. I last drank vodka two years ago. No cocktails.

I love pressed apple juice, smoothies, and many other fruit juices.

I like expensive wine, but not much. I despise the cheap stuff; it's vile. I prefer white to red. I've never really liked champagne.

No soft drinks of any sort. No diet drinks of any sort. If I'm going to kill myself with a substance, it's sure as fuck not going to be aspartame.

No coffee ever.

Fair trade tea. No slavery, please. Strong. 2% milk. No sugar.
posted by chuckdarwin 18 September | 11:47
Instant coffee doesn't necessarily have to be disgusting. Sure, a lot of it is (I'm looking at you, family - stop buying that stuff that I have to pretend to like), but I like good, strong coffee. Alta Rica has a good strength to it - a slightly heaped teaspoon of that is waaaay stronger than two teaspoons of normal crap and it tastes pretty good.

I do like tea, though. I used to drink a lot of Lapsang Souchong but now much prefer Earl Grey.
posted by TheDonF 18 September | 11:52
Coffee - Black.
Tea - White with sugar. And yes, I'm sorry to say that I prefer Yorkshire Tea - made with Yorkshire Water.

Beer - John Smiths. I'm an inverted beer snob and will only drink mass-produced popular beers. (Carling, Tetleys, etc) If forced, I'll grudgingly drink Black Sheep.

Wine - House Red every time.
Soft Drinks. Adam's Ale is a favourite.

posted by seanyboy 18 September | 11:56
Damn you Hugh.
posted by King of Prontopia 18 September | 12:20
The only way to make coffee is using an Aerobie Aeropress. It makes the smoothest coffee ever, but only a cup at a time. Second to that is the one-cup SwissGold filter.
posted by essexjan 18 September | 13:07
Gave up coffee about 4 years ago, thanks to the number it was doing on my stomach. Now it's tea, tea, and only tea! I drink at least two cups of hot tea every day (English Breakfast, or sometimes Earl Grey, very strong and with milk), and also like iced tea (lemon only; sweet tea is -- sorry, Southerners -- disgusting).

I do try to drink a lot of water, but my success rate on that score varies.

I drink alcohol -- mostly wine or spirits; hardly ever drink beer anymore.

Almost never drink soda -- it's just too sweet and junky. If I do have a soda, it's more likely to be something like french lemonade.

I'm one of the few adults I know who regularly drinks milk, but I don't regularly down gallons of the stuff like I used to.
posted by scody 18 September | 14:17
I have never been able to abide the taste of coffee, so it's tea for me. A large mug (I suppose it's the equivalent of a small pot) of strong black tea, either Yorkshire or Irish Breakfast. I really don't like the fruity stuff.

I drink about 4-5 glasses of water a day on average. I guess. That's my goal, anyway. At home it's filtered tap water; at work, we have a water cooler. Sometimes I'll have a diet cola at work, if I truly need the caffiene - otherwise I don't really drink much soda.

Beer - I used to be all about the microbrewed ales and IPAs, but within the last year I've found that they often leave a disagreeably malty aftertaste. While I'll still have the occasional Lagunitas IPA or Red Seal, I mostly stick to lagers/pilsners - Bittburger when I can find it, Pilsner Urquell when I can't.

We do drink wine in our household, but only with meals. Since I'm at work at dinnertime during the week, this means we'll have a couple of bottles over the weekend. We try to match the wine to what we're eating, but generally the whites will be either a Sauvignon Blanc or a white Bordeau (which is mostly Sauv. Blanc anyway); for reds, we like Amador County Zinfandels, Oregon Pinot noirs, Petit Syrah from wherever we can find it, and the one Australian wine I've found that I like, Woop Woop Shiraz. Generally we ,anage to stay in the $9 -$15 range, although we will splurge for an occasion.

Not much for cocktails, but a couple of fingers of Bulleit after work are nice. During the einter, we'll also have some Port or Brandy/Cognac after dinner from time to time.
posted by bmarkey 18 September | 15:08
During the einter winter, we'll also have some Port or Brandy/Cognac after dinner from time to time.
posted by bmarkey 18 September | 15:09
My long-range plan to get iconomy drunk and take advantage of her has just hit a snag. . .
Great minds think alike ;-)
*learns how to make a Manhattan, just in case*

I cannot get started at work without my tall-flat-white-extra-hot from Hudsons - it keeps me going all morning, then I crash at about 1 pm.

I drink lots of milk, but not as much as I did when I was a kid and it was good for you. If I drink alcohol, it is usually a Strongbow original, a mid-range chardonnay (cleanskins mostly, these days) or a scotch and dry on occasion. I don't drink nearly as much water as I should, but I do try to.
posted by dg 18 September | 17:41
Lotsa cream, lotsa sugar, the occasional jolt of Jameson's.
posted by jonmc 18 September | 18:38
I usually drink cheap domestic beer or strong ales. Sometimes bourbon or Irish whiskey.
posted by jonmc 18 September | 18:40
love coffee with milk and sugar (dunkin donuts coffee - yes, starbucks - no). but sugar's bad for me, so I'm trying to stop and I drink it black a lot now (but I slip a lot too). 1-2 cups a day. trying to quit.

when I try to avoid coffee altogether, I go with either green tea or earl grey tea with nothing in it.

no alcohol, though I don't mind a beer or glass of wine, it just doesn't really do very much for me.

OJ first thing in the morning, then water the rest of the day. In the summer I try to make a point of drinking a lot if ice water since I don't have a/c.
posted by DarkForest 18 September | 19:05
Tea on weekday mornings (usually a spicy black tea, with nothing in it); coffee on weekends

Belgian ale, stouts, some lagers

Bourbon, scotch (single-malt only)

Water every day—lots of it
posted by smich 18 September | 23:09's Tuesday morning here. || I am writing a news story