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14 September 2007

All Growed Up My oldest daughter is nearly eleven (year six), and she just left for a three-day PGL holiday. [More:]You know, boating, archery, adventure, camping, etc.

She's never been away from us for this long before, and she's not especially athletic. I hope everything goes well. My advice to her was to be patient and try her hardest.

She can swim pretty well, and she's not afraid of heights (they do a zip line thing, I'm pretty sure, and they might repel or climb a wall)... but she is such a dainty little thing (like I was and still am: rail thin). *sigh* Even if she can't do all the activities as well as some of the burly lasses in her year, she'll still have fun because she's going on a trip with all her friends.

She's going to HIGH SCHOOL next year. Now, that's just weird.
Yes, I think the whole "middle school" concept in the U.S. (I went to one... do these still exist?) was just a comforting gesture towards parents of 12/13-year olds so they could put off dealing with that scaryweird omg-HIGH-SCHOOL? thing for a couple of years. :)

I hope she loves the holiday.
posted by taz 14 September | 07:57
So do I; I hope she just does her best and has fun with her friends. The folks at PGL are pretty good.
posted by chuckdarwin 14 September | 08:09
My neice just got engaged to be married & turned 21. I am in shock. She was 2 years old about five minutes ago.

I hope she has fun on holiday. It sounds fun. I want to go!
posted by miss lynnster 14 September | 10:56
It sounds like a blast! I want to go too. The most I did at 12 or 13 was a bus ride to the Kennedy Space Center for a day.
posted by LoriFLA 14 September | 11:02
My son is leaving today, this very afternoon, for two months in Europe. When he comes home, he is moving out-- his job is waiting for him, as is a room in a shared house with some friends. I'm both happy and weepy at the same time. It's odd.

He turns 21 in November. I'm still trying to figure out where the time went.
posted by jokeefe 14 September | 12:05
She'll have a blast! Just being around your friends with no parents is fun at that age.

A big hug to you, jokeefe. Putting my kid on the bus for kindergarten was hard enough. Putting her on a plane to Europe/forever...I quiver just thinking about it.
posted by jrossi4r 14 September | 12:13
Dream Dylan || Comfort zones and only doing things I'm good at... anyone identify with this?