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Comment Feed:


13 September 2007

Someone recently told me about a site that allows you to view the latest searches on Google, updated by the second. I'm fascinated, but can't find it. Does anyone know what it is?
I don't know. However, if you're sitting in the lobby of any of the Google buildings, you can see the current searches displayed on huge screens overhead. It's oddly hypnotic, to the point that it can be disappointing when the person you've come to see actually shows up to get you.
posted by tangerine 13 September | 18:33
I've never heard of Google making those available outside of their offices, but Dogpile has their own "search spy", and I'm quite certain that another search engine has one as well.
posted by cmonkey 13 September | 19:19
low calorie dutch babies

naked women

anti-victorian houses

midget xxx free


moose patterns

panda movies

i ♥ u internet
posted by cmonkey 13 September | 19:29
The scary part is that all those searches may have been made by the same person.
posted by dg 13 September | 19:41
I have an anti-victorian house. My house cannot stand victorians and nothing I say will convince it to change its mind.
posted by iconomy 13 September | 21:23
In the pre Google days there was a site that used (I think) Alta Vista's searches. They would show up in groups of ten and refresh every 30 seconds. Other than the common porn search words and searches about who ever the hottie d'jour was, I was always fascinated with incredibly targeted searches where I could never figure out people could actually be looking for. The site was called _____________ Voyeur, but I don't remember what the first word was. Outside of, it was the coolest thing on the internet at the time in my world.
posted by Slack-a-gogo 13 September | 21:33
Webcrawler used to do this in a format like stock tickers.

Hey look at that, they still do.

Besides the sometimes disturbing searches I've always been amazed at how poor the spelling is. I guess I'm not the only one to use google as a spell checker.
posted by Mitheral 13 September | 22:40
Wow, Mitheral, I look at that thing for 10 seconds and already someone's looking for child porn. That's nice.
posted by Citizen Premier 14 September | 06:00
thanks cmonkey and Mitheral, for helping me waste my time!
posted by Hellbient 14 September | 09:29
I have started to pack for my cruise! || Whee!