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Comment Feed:


04 September 2007

Bad neighbors (A Craigslist posting.)
Wow. Just amazing. The definition of a private hell.
posted by doctor_negative 04 September | 13:01
I wonder think running the microwaves would eventually cause the bad neighbor's power bill to get unmanageable.
posted by drezdn 04 September | 13:03
Well doing the maths, an 800W microwave can actually use up to 1200W, and electricty costs at the very most $0.10/KWh, so for four microwaves that's $11.52 a day maximum if they're running 24 hours.

But I'd guess the consumption is actually nearer 800 than 1200W, and they aren't on all day and all night, and they're getting electiricity nearer $0.03/KWh, which means they're nuking their neighbours for just a couple of bucks a day. That's quite a value.
posted by cillit bang 04 September | 14:01
He should mount bags of popcorn on the outside of his house.
posted by doctor_negative 04 September | 15:13
Nuts, it's gone. I missed it.
posted by redvixen 04 September | 18:11
:( I missed out. Synopsis please.
posted by miss lynnster 04 September | 18:17
I KNEW I should have copy and pasted it!


Poster upset because crazy neighbor attempting to "fry" him using 4 microwave ovens pointing towards Poster's wall.

Poster concerned about getting microwaved, despite BIL's assurance that 12 feet is too far for microwaves to travel.

Poster is also trying to move, but crazy neighbor not helping value of property.

Neighbor also playing loud, presumably annoying music.

(Did I miss anything?)
posted by small_ruminant 04 September | 18:45
Here it is (I don't know why they sometimes disappear and reappear):

Will this hurt me.. (sunnyvale)
Reply to:
Date: 2007-09-03, 11:37PM PDT

I got in a fight with a neighbor a while back and he said that he is going to "Fry me" He has set up 4 microwave ovens that he has taken the doors off of. and aimed them at the my wall of my house. He yelled out "is it Hot enough for you". My older Brother said that the distance is too great for this to be of concern. I am in the process of selling to get the fuck out of there. The problem is that his yard smells and is full of trash, and prospective buyers are not writing up offers. My brother advised me to just roll out some aluminum foil sheets and attach to the wall of my house. His house is about 12 feet from mine. My brother is an electrical guy and I trust his information, but am not sure.

The police have been out here so many times that they just stopped coming. I am at my sisters house writing this. So I do not live in Sunnyvale. I want to move to a place like this to get out of the situation I am in.

The bad thing, is that this guy is well connected to the Republican party and is getting away with it all. Oh, hell now he is playing that music again...

posted by taz 04 September | 21:41
Actually... now that I think of it, it was probably in my cache memory.
posted by taz 04 September | 21:43
"I am at my sisters house writing this."
"Oh, hell now he is playing that music again..."

A bit odd. He can also hear the music from his sister's place? I think the poster is the nut job.
posted by arse_hat 04 September | 21:56
Unless he has disabled the cut-out, the microwaves won't work with the door open anyway. Therefore; I think he's fairly safe.
posted by dg 04 September | 22:07
yeah, arsey, I wondered about that, too. Unless s/he updated it later from home? I don't know how much editing control one has with a craig's list post.
posted by taz 04 September | 22:20
I dare someone to repost this on the yahoo question and answer site.
posted by drezdn 07 September | 10:55
Beer lovers, || Michigan