artphoto by splunge
artphoto by TheophileEscargot
artphoto by Kronos_to_Earth
artphoto by ethylene





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Comment Feed:


10 July 2007

a bit of undigested potato Thank your lords that the Ralston boy has returned and can someone find that LOTR poe tae toe gif for me?
Has J.R. seen what you posted in his absence? You know which one: "They're just going to ignore you until the bouncing stops anyway..."
posted by wendell 10 July | 16:05
i don't know. Why? Not graphic enough? All the others were just a bunch of black bars and still too racy.
i'll redo it for Potato After Dark, with the graphic unicorn sex.

i still want mike to pay me to do some crazy Saddam would love it fantasy sex art.
posted by ethylene 10 July | 16:17
They are walking through the underground backway of a transdimensional bordello of sorts. Did i not mention that part?
posted by ethylene 10 July | 16:20
oh!oh!oh! yes, I saw that, through john's blog. It's awesome you know. The last one was the "racy" one, but only because now I cannot even load flickr from the stupid landline. Naturally, it's my fave one from the first set.

I must say, keep the on, on, girl!
as long as it's not my guy.
posted by carmina 10 July | 16:35
i'm all cute and innocent and sweetness and light until i see someone adjusting their harness all wrong.

posted by ethylene 10 July | 16:40
I love "oh potato!"

Make more Bees wax, plz.
posted by taz 10 July | 18:11
You forget the original mecha comix was lost in the drive wipe of 2007.
*weeps single tear for the loss of Viking Janus and the Divine Fop*
posted by ethylene 10 July | 18:13
I'm rather confused, but I like it. Please do carry on.
posted by danostuporstar 10 July | 18:56
It's filler for interrobang's comic a day blog.
Guest stripping. All the cool kids are doing it.
posted by ethylene 10 July | 19:30
Potter spotter.

Finally ate something AND i don't have to draw a comic if i don't feel like it. Woohoo!
And i'm gonna get all high too!
Except that makes me feel all kind of dirty!
posted by ethylene 10 July | 23:25
Is the night bus still running? If so, I'd like to put in for a bucket of mojitos and some herbal relief. This week is getting me down.

Also, you should do more comix. Am I dating myself by calling them comix? If so, do some comics instead.
posted by bmarkey 10 July | 23:53
If the night bus was running i would ring up some booze and bath jellies and have a boozy chilly jelly party.
It will run for cats who ride the bus.
i'm back into comics again but just look at that monster did to Bees' tail.
≡ Click to see image ≡
You say po tay toe
≡ Click to see image ≡
i say po tah toe
≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by ethylene 11 July | 00:16
Yipe! How did that happen?
posted by bmarkey 11 July | 00:18
Explained here.
posted by ethylene 11 July | 00:20
I'm sorry to hear about that. Is she healing OK? I'm surprised she's not licking it like crazy.
posted by bmarkey 11 July | 00:31
That's why it's all big and oozing and weird now, it was a long clean hairless cut two inches on her little tail. It was hanging like a dead thing the other day. i find it very upsetting. Supposedly it's better. i doubt it.
posted by ethylene 11 July | 00:36
What does the vet say? Have they tried an Elizabethan collar on her?
posted by bmarkey 11 July | 00:39
f she had to be Amish kitty i don't know what she'd do. Collars just don't come that small. We think it is has finally stopped growing and started healing for good, however it happens. Been applying topical hardcore antibiotics for three weeks now. At least two to go.
posted by ethylene 11 July | 00:45
When our dog had hotspots from fleas, we used a bitter apple spray to discourage her from biting. It worked OK, but I don't think you can use it on a open wound like that. Poor Bees. Give her a scritch for me.
posted by bmarkey 11 July | 00:50
an open wound. Jeez, these new glasses make me see better and type for shit.
posted by bmarkey 11 July | 00:51
Was it the glasses mecha helped pick?
i need a new shower curtain. Mecha should help me pick a shower curtain both cool and cheap.
When do you get out of work?
posted by ethylene 11 July | 00:59
Yes, they're the mecha glasses.

And when I get out of work depends on when my reflief gets here. Usually between 11:30 and 11:45.
posted by bmarkey 11 July | 01:04
We should turn this one into an obey andre like graphic.
posted by ethylene 11 July | 01:08
I was so very tired that day. I usually just have bags under my eyes, not steamer trunks.
posted by bmarkey 11 July | 01:17
Quick someone suggest new fiction or comics and graphic novels to get.
i didn't know David Sedaris had two last books out since i last got a book by him.
i already have the new Murakami on the list and some Paul Pope stuff that is never in. And Buffy comics.
posted by ethylene 11 July | 01:30
Hmm. I can't/don't read fiction anymore, and I haven't looked at a graphic novel in a long, long time. Sorry.

How's the Buffy comic, by the way?
posted by bmarkey 11 July | 02:24
i like it. It is like the show.
posted by ethylene 11 July | 03:51
This isn't as cute as a baby otter. || Look under vehicles.