TopsyTurvy TestMe? After reading
this askme comment, of course I had to go take the test to reassure myself that I'm a
benevolent creator, which is pretty much what all the tests say - because this is how I imagine myself, and thus reliably answer the questions in a way that leads to this result (however accurate or inaccurate it might be). But one of these days that isn't July 4, we should do one of these tests (this one is too long) with a twist: everybody participating should answer as another member (how they think that member would answer), and see how close or far apart the results would be.
So (using the last two people to post to the front page), for example, essexjan would take the test imagining herself as mischief, and mischief would answer as he thinks jan would answer; then each one takes the test as him/herself, and we get to see how the two versions for each person match up.
For fun!