I keep falling asleep at my desk. Hope me! →[More:]
I spent half the day doing REALLY boring things and I need to stay ate and I'm pooooooped!
Here's a firm-wide email I just sent out:
Hi guys,
We’re going to start implementing the Description of Design Phases codes to track your billable hours. (That document can be found in: Z:\Firm Resource\Office Management\Billable hours and phase descriptions.) For the next pay period (beginning on July 2nd), please use the new template and the new codes, instead of the descriptions we’ve been using.
The new template for timesheets can be found in: Z:\Firm Resource\TEMPLATES & FORMS.
Look under “Staff Timesheets” folder on server, and locate your folder.
Label new timesheets as dates: “6.18.07-7.1.07.xls”, for example.
Update them DAILY, please.
Project task logs:
VERY IMPORTANT: Because we’ll no longer have descriptions of our completed tasks on the timesheets, we need to begin tracking tasks on individual project logs. Each project folder will have a log that everyone needs to update DAILY.
In each project folder, under Administration, make a folder called “ACTIVITY LOG” (eg: Z:\2007\200701-Sunriver\01 Administration).
You can find the template in Firm Resources: Z:\Firm Resource\TEMPLATES & FORMS
It is IMPARATIVE that you immediately begin logging any task done on a project. This will help us immensely in tracking who’s called whom, what was decided, what date to begin bugging someone for the info they’ve promised us, etc. etc.
I cannot stress the importance of keeping up with these logs. They will also serve as a wonderful to-do list.
If you have ideas about how the logs could be better organized or more user-friendly, please let me know.
I mean, who freaking CARES?!? Zzzzzzzz...