I actually just told some kids to goml →[More:]
Yeah, seriously. I am showing my age. I was out on the roof deck having a smog and looked down over the edge and there were these 3 kids hanging out on the wheelchair ramp to my building. Here's this kid standing on one side of the wall of the 3' tall ramp, about to attempt a jump either to or over the next wall. I yelled, down "Please get off of there", and he just looked at me like yeah, right. I told him that WHEN he falls there is a chance the building owner will be sued, and I, as the building manager (which I am really NOT, heh!), needed to ask him to get down from there. He just looks at me, like F you, which I understand as I was an obnoxious youth once myself. Finally, I said in as authoritative voice as I could muster "You've got 2 choices, either get down or I will send Security out to help you down". He got down. Damn kids, goml.