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04 June 2007

OMG! Scary, long, vivid zombie dream! [More:]So I had one of those dreams last night where it feels it went on for hours, had a consistent storyline, and was really damn scary.

I was in a world that was a cross between a 28 Days Later kind of world and a Romero-sytle zombie world. People were infected with that "rage virus" thing, but still shambled around stupidly like they do in the Dead movies. Because the zombie-things shuffled around slowly, there was a still a semblance of ordinary life. People barricaded their homes and stores and buildings and traveled everywhere by car, but still went to their jobs, etc. Anyhow, things started to unravel when someone in the home we were taking shelter in got infected. It pretty much proceeded like some silly movie, except I WAS IN IT AND BEING IN IT IS A LOT SCARIER THAN WATCHING IT ON THE SCREEN, DAMMIT!

It was so vivid that I was disoriented when I woke up -- for awhile I was afraid to believe I'd actually woken up, and worried that a zombie would lurch out at me as I stumbled sleepily to the bathroom.

Actually, I'm kind of fascinated by these dreams that take place in a consistent world. That rarely happens to me -- usually my dreams are constantly shifting in terms of characters, situations, locations, etc.
Weird. last night I dreamed that a shadow figure was looking at me menacingly from across the table and I went for him as if to attack him and yelled. At that point both Pips and I woke up yelling.

(on a family vacation where me and Dad shared the same room, I woke up with a hand clamped on my leg and screamed and saw my dad over me disorieted and apologizing. When I mentioned it to my mom, she said "Oh he does that all the time in his sleep.' Must be hereditary.)
posted by jonmc 04 June | 10:48
I'm sorry, jonmc; I was the shadow figure you yelled at, and I had every reason to look at you menacingly from across the table. You see, I had several elephants on offer, in a variety of colors, and you had plenty of ducats to buy elephants with, but every time you decided on a color and we agreed on a price, you changed your mind. You were like, "the green... no, the blue ones... or do you like purple?" and I was getting fed up, so I switched to shadow figure mode to push you to decide a little quicker. Of course, you freaked out, and I never got a chance to make the sale. Maybe my elephant sales tactics are too high-pressure; after all, pachyderms are an expensive investment. My bad.
posted by Hugh Janus 04 June | 11:00
treepour - OMG I've had that same dream! (I was a wee kiddie at the time) Stop stealing my dreams! :)
posted by muddgirl 04 June | 11:12
I know how you feel, Hugh. Those poker playing dogs can really put a lot of pressure on you. They had me frantically filling gutters with shoes and beach balls a couple of nights ago.
I was all "Must. satisfy. poker. dogs. in. order. to. save. family. of. extension. cords."
posted by Hellbient 04 June | 11:15
The only dream I've ever had that could be classified as a "nightmare" was my junior year of college. In the dream, I was in my bed, and everything in my room was exactly as it is in real life, except for the MAN STANDING AT THE END OF MY BED LOOKING AT ME. Holy fucking shit. I woke up instantly, and even though I realized it was a dream, it was so realistic that I was scared for hours. Thinking back on it still gives me the creeps.
posted by mike9322 04 June | 11:19
muddgirl, stop giving me zombie dreams! DO NOT WANT. :)

You know, maybe I had muddgirl's dream because jonmc freaked at Hugh Janus's shadow figure. Dammit, Hugh Janus and jonmc, settle your pachyderm deals already!

As for poker playing dogs, etc., that's all well and good until you're following them endlessly through the arctic wilderness between the notes in the music score you're composing/conducting/listening to on the radio/record player/toy piano in that neighborhood bar you just stopped in for a drink.
posted by treepour 04 June | 11:29
To this day, I think my dry erase board dream was hands down my scariest nightmare. Apparently zombies aren't half as frightening to me as piranha Post-Its sent en masse by my mother to get me to take out the trash & pick up milk at the store.
posted by miss lynnster 04 June | 12:27
Gah. I don't remember what I dreamed last night, but I'm sure glad it wasn't about zombies. Remember, crushing weapons and fire are your best defenses against the undead, my friends.
posted by Luminous Phenomena 04 June | 13:32
mike9322, that's classic sleep paralysis with the scary dude at the end of the bed (or in your room, looking at you). I get that more often than I'd want. FREAKY. I kicked my dude once, and he laughed and bared many white teeth which just scared the heck out of me so I had to go and sleep in mom's bed. I was 26 at the time.
posted by dabitch 04 June | 13:55
How did you manage to kick in a state of sleep paralysis, dabitch? You got some mad kicking skillz! :) Sorry it wasn't enough to make him go away though. I get lots of hypnogagic (and the waking-up version of the same) phenomena, but thankfully not sleep paralysis. I'd much rather deal with dream zombies.
posted by treepour 04 June | 14:05
Ugh, I've had the dude at the end of my bed, but he was mostly shadow.
posted by muddgirl 04 June | 14:14
As a kid I had Frankenstein's monsters coming from my closet towards the foot of the bed. Not such a problem when the closet was shut, but if the doors were left open, I'd lie there freaking out watching this squared-off monster reanimate it's way towards me until I could get my ass together and stand up out of bed, but then I'd be too scared to go to the bathroom so I'd pee on the rug between my bed and the wall.
posted by Hugh Janus 04 June | 14:34
So, the other night i killed roughly 100 cockroaches in the alleyway behind my work while drinking with my buddies...and had a dream later that week that i was visited by the roach hivemind queen...

we had a conversation that went something like this:
Queen: Why do you kill us?
Schyler: um, you are gross and i work in a restaurant.
Q: what if we don't go in your restaurant?
S: then i won't kill you, but you have to stay in the dumpsters...
Q: okay...
S: Later...
posted by Schyler523 04 June | 19:38
oh, when i was five i had a recurring dream about a frankenstein monster that lived in my closet, but was afraid to come out because he had explosive diarrhea and control issues...i told my parents about it and i don't remember what they said, but i can't imagine what i would say to a five year old about something like that...
posted by Schyler523 04 June | 19:44
I have been waking up lately with cramps in my legs. The kind of cramp that turns my calf into a rock, contorts my foot and sends me flailing and screaming around the bed. Sometimes I also have random nightmares that make me cry or scream things in my sleep. Luckily the BF is a bit of a light sleeper so he wakes up and takes care of me.
posted by youngergirl44 04 June | 21:13
Sore throat help || I want the rain to stop.