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Comment Feed:


24 May 2007

SurveyFilter: To what magazines (ones you pick up and turn pages to in real life) do you subscribe? Trade publications included. Here: Business 2.0, Mother Jones.
Glamour, Lucky, Allure, Teen Vogue, Seventeen, Self, Shape, New York Magazine.. maybe a few others, too? Can't remember.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 24 May | 18:55
Forgot one: New Yorker
posted by chewatadistance 24 May | 18:55
Mojo (yay for gift subscriptions!), and The Big Takeover. Oh, and I usually buy Uncut (and sometimes Harp) at the newsstand. Science Girl gets National Geographic, The Atlantic, and I think she's still getting Harper's.
posted by bmarkey 24 May | 19:10
posted by chrismear 24 May | 19:13
I'm all over the Canadian content: Toronto Life, Style at Home, LouLou, Chocolat and Fashion.
posted by phoenixc 24 May | 19:16
posted by SassHat 24 May | 19:19
In the rack by the toilet: The New Yorker, and National Geographic.

(Whut's Bust? Is that like Smithsonian?)
posted by steef 24 May | 19:20
geez I forgot another one: Dwell.
posted by chewatadistance 24 May | 19:23
Make, Craft, Wired, Entertainment Weekly, Nuts and Volts, and I just started Fast Company.
posted by drezdn 24 May | 19:25
Dwell. It's the only thing I can afford. I'm dying to get Bust and steal my neighbor's issues when she's done with them.
posted by Specklet 24 May | 19:34
And we really should be subscribing to Cook's Illustrated, since we always buy it at the newsstand. I should just go do that now, while I think about it.
posted by bmarkey 24 May | 19:34
The Economist & Cook's Illustrated.
posted by crush-onastick 24 May | 19:35
TapeOp, TapeOp, and TapeOp. Been thinking about picking up Harpers, though.
posted by cortex 24 May | 19:39
The New Yorker, Real Simple, Lucky, Health, and Everyday Food (my bible for when I've got next to no time to make dinner)
posted by scody 24 May | 19:55
We get Newsweek free for pledging to our local NPR station every year. The only ones I pay for right now are Light Leaks, Dwell and Metropolis.

I subscribed to SPIN for its first 20+ years of existence, after buying issue #1 in my hometown A&P, but gave it up in the late 90s when it became the "list of the month" mag. I *LOVE* magazines, and have had as many as 15 subscriptions going all at once, but there are so few good ones out there anymore. Also, my time to read them has diminished a lot.

Mags I've subscribed to in the past include:

Vanity Fair
The Nation
Utne Reader
Trailer Life (about campers!)
Liberal Opinion Weekly
Bear (don't look it up)
Issac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine
Twilight Zone Magazine
WIRED (before it was a Sharper Image catalog)
posted by BoringPostcards 24 May | 20:04
National Geographic
posted by plinth 24 May | 20:20
Uncut's the only one I wish I could afford to subscribe to. It's changed a bit in the last little while, and I'm not sure I like it, but I'm trying not to be too stodgy. I just bought a Mojo, because the cover stories were more my thing, compared to the current (here anyway) episode of Uncut.
posted by richat 24 May | 20:25
Yeah, Uncut is kinda dodgy these days. Their new layout sucks, big time. Mojo is just generally better written, to my taste. I finally gave up on Paste because the writing was thin; they pay a hell of a lot more attention to their layout than they do their content.
posted by bmarkey 24 May | 20:31
Oh yeah, I used to subscribe to MoJo. For about 12 years. I forgot.
posted by BoringPostcards 24 May | 20:45
I used to get all these offers of either free or seriously cheap magazine offers -- "industry discount" stuff. And so I subscribed to a few. Columbia Journalism Review stands out in my memory.

Thing is, they'd all end up piled on the dining room table, waiting to be read. Waiting and waiting, endlessly. So now I subscribe to nothing.

(RADAR sends me free copies. I signed up for a free subscription during one of their early iterations, and now I'm stuck with the damn thing.)
posted by brina 24 May | 20:48
Is Bear a "lifestyle magazine"?

i use to get all kinds of crap.

Currently, The New Yorker (man, those fuckers build up), Vanity Fair, Entertainment Weekly and i think my mom sent me martha. i'm not sure why i get them any more but when it's time to renew it always turns out i think i'll miss them. It's nice to have a pile of New Yorkers to read when you really want something to read. i'd get Granta but they always got all banged up in the mail.
posted by ethylene 24 May | 20:53
Too bad Trailer Life is taken.
posted by ethylene 24 May | 20:54
Yeah, bmarkey, I have found the same thing with Paste. And, this is my first Mojo, so far I like it. I'm really bummed about Uncut, becase I LOVED that magazine. It made me willing to read (and enjoy) long articles about Pink freaking Floyd even. Now, it reads a little too tabloid-y for my likes.
posted by richat 24 May | 20:54
I had a Scientific American subscription for a while.
I wish I could afford it, again.
posted by the great big mulp 24 May | 20:57
Ooo, and Bust. That's right.
Scientific American and Bust.
posted by the great big mulp 24 May | 20:58
No subscription, but I've picked up lots of issues of

atomic ranch
fine homebuilding
craft (discontinued my subscr due to funds)

ooooh BP! games magazine!
posted by chewatadistance 24 May | 21:05
Allure, The Atlantic, Prevention, Elle, and Yankee. Yankee and Prevention are gift subscriptions from my MIL.

I used to subscribe to a lot more magazines. I quit because they pile up and go unread. Allure is my absolute favorite, and I will never give it up. Husband and I both read The Atlantic, he more than I. Yankee is pretty boring. Prevention piles up, but I usually skim the interesting stuff. I could do without Elle. Husband subscribed to it as a gift, because he thought I would like it. I used to enjoy it more, but the fashion is unattainable and unrealistic, and I seldom relate to the articles.
posted by LoriFLA 24 May | 21:27
Oh and nursing journals. RN and AJN. RN is dumbed down, but I can usually find something useful.
posted by LoriFLA 24 May | 21:29
I only get Games Magazine.
posted by iconomy 24 May | 21:32
The Atlantic = awesome

I don't subscribe to anything right now but if I did (and if money were no object and if there were more than 24 hours in a day):

Mens Sana:

The Atlantic, The American Scholar, the Economist.

Corpore Sano:

CrossFit Journal


posted by jason's_planet 24 May | 21:44
I miss F+A+D. I used to subscribe to it.
posted by crush-onastick 24 May | 22:07
I read The Economist, The Atlantic, and Conformity (a magazine about regulatory compliance issues for electrical engineers).
posted by cmonkey 24 May | 22:15
Ico, I used to get "Games"! I miss it so much.

I also used to get "Harper's", "Gourmet" and "Granta". And some other things, off and on - but those four were fairly steady for years.
posted by taz 24 May | 23:26
Bitch, Ms,. Lilith, Molvieline/Hollywood,Heeb, Rolling Stone (although Erik Smegmagaard is seriously making me consider cancelling), Time Out New York. I buy a copy of the New Yorker or literary magazines if someone I know has a story published.
posted by brujita 25 May | 01:02
FMR magazine.
posted by misteraitch 25 May | 02:04
posted by brujita 25 May | 02:27
I've let all my subscriptions lapse. Even Cook's Illustrated, to which I've subscribed for mumblety mum years. I keep planning to write a letter to Cook's to explain that we would continue to pay them their princely subscription fee if only they had more vegetarian content. Sometimes in an entire issue, there is not a single recipe that a) appeals to us and b) doesn't use meat or meat by-products.

Subscription I miss: Scientific American, Bust, Cook's Illustrated.

Subscriptions I sometimes miss: Bon Appetit, Bitch, Ms., Smithsonian.

Subscriptions I rarely miss: Vegetarian Times, Utne, Harper's, The Atlantic.

One subscription I would not renew even if it were free: Gourmet.

When I managed a boutique, I did get magazines for free; out of the blue, I would find myself subscribed to Marie Claire or Glamour or Insecurities Preyed-Upon Monthly. After a couple of months, I started giving them away the day they arrived.

Periodically, my mother gives me a stack of her old magazines: Martha Stewart Living, Better Homes and Gardens, Bon Appetit. Leafing through them before passing them on or recycling them is enough to remind me of how little I get from them. They're a frill, a tiny breath of time wasted, and I don't see the sense in wasting the money and the resources.

If I enjoyed them, that would be a different story.
posted by Elsa 25 May | 06:25
I subscribe to:
The Economist
National Geographic
Real Simple (gift, and I'm not renewing)
Time out NY
Wired (free with something or other...
The Scientist
Scientific American
posted by gaspode 25 May | 07:39
I don't. That's what the internet's for. (I'm exaggerating, I'll maybe pick up Wax Poetics or Ugly Things (both magazines about old music) when they come out but that's it. The news I can get online and from TV. Otherwise, I try to stay unpolluted by trends.
posted by jonmc 25 May | 07:59
subs i used to have...but now i am too poor:
the nation
mother jones
the new yorker
Funny times(i still get this one)
the Sun
posted by Schyler523 25 May | 08:04
jonmc there's options for porch lovers. :)
posted by chewatadistance 25 May | 08:06
Heh. Do they also publish Drunkards Digest and Modern Loser? ;>
posted by jonmc 25 May | 08:09
Dude - your next career. Opportunity doesn't knock - it taps you on the shoulder.
posted by chewatadistance 25 May | 08:15
I forgot Tape OP. I also get a variety of video production magazines sent for free, but I tend to just throw those away as I decided to not make videos over a year ago.
posted by drezdn 25 May | 08:35
I'm hardcore:

The New York Review of Books
Science News
Church & State
2600 Magazine

The New York Review's been slipping of late (many of its best contributors are retiring or dying, and the new generation just isn't as special, and tends to be less nuanced on more topics than the old), so I asked my parents for a subscription to the Times Literary Supplement for my birthday.

I also seem to receive free issues of BookForum quite often; sometimes the entire ish is a stinker, but then sometimes there's one that's transcendent: I got one over the winter with two fantastic pieces, one on Dorothy Parker and one about child soldiers in Africa, plus, in their news section, the first I'd heard that Maurice Sendak is working on a film version of Where the Wild Things Are, directed by Spike Jonze and written by Dave Eggers. Sendak's had this project in and out of every major studio in Hollywood, but has pulled it as soon as it looked like it'd get the "studio treatment;" Jonze and Eggers are lone wolf Hollywood outsiders, and this time the production may come off.
posted by Hugh Janus 25 May | 08:36
None. Mudd-Dude used to subscribe to The Rolling Stone, but jeez that magazine really started sucking a few years ago. I pick up a Cosmo when I'm in an airport.

I really should subscribe to some trade magazines (for free), but I'm too lazy to figure out which ones.

Wish List: Bust, National Geographic, Scientific American.

My dad is subscribed to Nat. Geo. and 2600 magazine. He's very hard core.
posted by muddgirl 25 May | 08:56
Read at work: The Economist, Harper's, a few professional things.

Leaf through at work: NYT magazine, URB, Vibe, Rolling Stone, Bicycling, Cooks' Illustrated, Electronic Gaming Monthly, various local weeklies.

Occasionally read an article: newsweeklies, music and culture and nature magazines, etc.

Like the back page: Consumer Reports, Columbia Journalism Review, Ms.

Sometimes wish I subscribed: Bitch, The Baffler, Dirt Rag, Frank 151, Wax Poetics, etc.

Oh, and I receive Games for Windows and Black Enterprise. Maybe a little odd, since I never subscribed to either one, and, as longtime Mecha readers may know, I don't play games on Windows, and I'm not black.
posted by box 25 May | 09:52
I get the New Yorker and This Week (which my mom gave me for Christmas and I never, ever look at.) That's it.

I used to get National Geographic & Smithsonian but gave them up when I finally realized that the kids were old enough so we weren't constantly making collages out of pictures of lions anymore. I buy Ready Made sometimes; I love their projects & sometimes I buy Bitch. When I went to the gym I subscribed to O because it's easy to read on the elliptical but I don't miss it. I used to get Cooking Light, which I like a lot, but not really enough to subscribe. I also used to get Bon Appetit - in fact, they seem to send me 6 months worth out of the blue every few years at random, go figure - but I just threw out boxes and boxes of them so I never want to see another one.

When I'm in a waiting room somewhere I look first for Esquire (I like Esquire; it cracks me up) and then I go for Reader's Digest, which is my guilty pleasure. I like terrible jokes - hey, Humor in Uniform! Yuk yuk! If all else fails, I'll read Can This Marriage Be Saved in whatever hellish woman's magazine that's in - Good Housekeeping? Those marriages can always be saved but they shouldn't be. ;-)
posted by mygothlaundry 25 May | 10:35
Edge (video games), The Economist
posted by Pretty_Generic 25 May | 17:25
Nethack. || I think I'm really quitting - pep talk me?