Ask Mecha: Looking a gift laptop in the mouth Someone just gave me an IBM Thinkpad 380-XD. I haven’t had a chance to inspect it too closely, but I do know that it works. Yay!
→[More:] Given that it’s running Windows 95, I’m guessing that it’s on the old side, yes? This is fine, as I’m mostly going to be using it as a word processor. If I can get it onto teh intarweb, so much the better. (It’s got some form of IE on it, so there may be hope there.)
My question: What am I actually going to be able to do with this thing? Is it worthwhile to try to upgrade, uh, stuff? Would I be wasting my time having XP put on there?
Note: I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, what you might call “tech-savvy”. “Dumber than a sack of wet mice” would be much more accurate. Please word any advice you might have accordingly.