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25 April 2007

Help me pick my next haircut! Puhleese? If you don't know what I look like, assume I would look great in any of them ;P Right now my hair looks like the longish one at the bottom with bangs (except I have no bangs). I want something hot. As in, cool. As in, summery. I really like bobs. Speaking of, the Bob Worship is awesome.
I vote for the centre one in the centre row.
posted by cmonkey 25 April | 09:09
If you don't know what I look like...


...Ms Garbo?

Show us a pic. Just a sketch. Anything. I dare ya.
posted by shane 25 April | 09:10
Bob Newhart is another Bob that I like. Bob isn't a very popular name anymore, is it?

cmonkey, that's my fav! I wonder if I like it so much because she's beautiful though.

Shane, just pick a haircut. I'm ugly and you don't want to be exposed to ugly. Shaddup!
posted by iconomy 25 April | 09:11
Second row, middle pic.
posted by jonmc 25 April | 09:12
Upper left, or barring that what jonmc said.
I'm ugly and you don't want to be exposed to ugly.

Stop it! Don't make me come up there!
posted by tr33hggr 25 April | 09:14
i know you're not ugly!

i kinda like these. the thinner/longer bobs go with a thinner/longer face, i think, tho'.
posted by shane 25 April | 09:19
actually, the first bob goes with chubby cheeks too.
posted by shane 25 April | 09:19
If you don't know what I look like

Heh, good one.

I guess I'm unrefined...all those haircuts look alike to me. The first one, I guess.
posted by danostuporstar 25 April | 09:21
I also like the one dead center. But then, as you know, we are operating under a handicap here, not knowing what you look like.
posted by danf 25 April | 09:25
Is there coloring involved? The roots on the blonde in the top row bug me. Can I vote no tackyass roots?
posted by danostuporstar 25 April | 09:28
Center row, far right is awesome. I love angled bobs, I would have one if my hair didn't curl like shriley temple at that length.

I love the middle one, too, but given how much height there is at the crown I suspect it's either teased like mad under or she's wearing a wiglet or a rat or whatever they wore in the 60s. Which is cool, but a bit much to go through every day, and it wouldn't look the same without.

I'm a big fan of bangs, but it really does depend on face shape. Me, I have a big round Irish face, and bangs keep me from looking like a pumpkin on a stick.
But then, I have a Bettie Page, so bangs are kind of an essential part of that cut.
posted by kellydamnit 25 April | 09:31
p.p.s. I agree that boob worship is awesome.
posted by danostuporstar 25 April | 09:37
I wonder if I like it so much because she's beautiful though.

I do the same thing. Put your finger on the face and then decide.

I like bottom row, far left -- the brunette. Maybe because she's beautiful though. :) I like bobs too, you can't go wrong with a bob.

It's not really a bob, but I got my hair cut like this a couple of years ago. It's long again, but I really liked this hairstyle.
posted by LoriFLA 25 April | 09:52
I like the top left one.
posted by gaspode 25 April | 10:01
The blonde at the the top looks like a stripper I know. She pays $80 a week just on her roots; darkening them, not lightening them.
posted by mischief 25 April | 10:01
How much do/will you do with your hair? I really like those cuts, too, but to get them looking like that you need to style them every morning. If you're a wash-it-and-walk or minimal maintenance kinda woman (hair dryer? I don't need no stinkin' hair dryer) that will affect what cuts will work. You could try a looser version of that, in that case. The other thing you need for a good bob is a damned good hairdresser. Subtle structuring can make a huge difference in how it looks and how it grows out.

That said, I like the top left and (my favourite) bottom left cuts.

*flashes boobs at danostuporstar*
posted by elizard 25 April | 10:04
I like the top left one, too. Or the third one in the bottom row...

My hair is on the thick and wavy side, so it never works with these kinds of cuts. And I was never crazy about the angled points by the face, but on some it looks great...

(I'm coming off a rather disastrous last haircut myself; it should be "normal" by summer. *sigh*)
posted by Pips 25 April | 10:09
No bangs. The rest are just variations of which length works with your chin (also, i think the last shot top row is me).

I'm on my third bad cut in a row and getting angrier by the second.
posted by crush-onastick 25 April | 10:12
Bottom row, second from left is rather mullet-like, no? Hey, I'm getting the hang of this haircut-differentation thing.

*woo! reveres*
posted by danostuporstar 25 April | 10:18
Upper-left, minus the dye, or Rodney Wayne.

(I'm only slightly more fluent in the language of hair than dano, so please take the suggestions with a serious grain of salt.)
posted by box 25 April | 10:25
Top row, first haircut.
That's my vote, but I'm in a serious mood right now, so YMMV.

The only ones I like are ... Reading the pictures in normal reading order...

posted by seanyboy 25 April | 10:26
I vote for the centre one in the centre row.

The center picture in the center row of any group should always be Paul Lynde.

I like the bottom left. But don't close the door on bangs. I just got some a few weeks ago (Reese Witherspoon-style) and love how they hide my forehead creases.
posted by jrossi4r 25 April | 10:33
I like the bottom row, hairdos 1 & 3, but prefer 1 overall because I love the colour and I think it'd be easier to maintain compared to 3. 3 looks cool because it's got all those piece-y asymmetric layers, but I think once you get over the novelty of a new cut and it starts growing out, you'll be irritated by it.

My issue with bangs is that they get in the way once they grow, I'm paranoid that they'll lead to break-outs since I have an oily t-zone and wear make-up.

If I was ready for a shorter 'do, I'd go for a bob too...but I'm not ready to chop off a couple feet of hair just yet.
posted by phoenixc 25 April | 10:38
The only ones that my hair, which I refuse to do anything to besides wash and brush occasionally, would even contemplate agreeing to are the two middle bottom ones and of those two, I like the one that says Rodney Wayne on it the best (the other one is veering dangerously close to mullet country.) Or, what elizard said: a lot of those cuts are high maintenance, and, while I could be wrong, I don't think of you as a high maintenance hair inclined person. So I'd go for the easiest one. I really like choppy asymmetrical layers - even when they start to grow out they still look okay.
posted by mygothlaundry 25 April | 10:47
this is good
posted by matteo 25 April | 10:52
Thanks for all the feedback! This is fun.

The graduated bob kind of cut curls under by itself, which is why it rocks so much. It looks like one blunt cut but it's actually lots of tiny close together layers. I've had it before and it's great - an a-line bob look. My hair is thick and slightly wavy and coarse, and I flat iron it pretty much every morning (unless I'm wearing it in a pony tail), so it usually looks very sleek and smooth and shiny and straight....all the S words. I only wash my hair once a week, but I cream rinse or condition it every day when I shower, and my hair really responds to that and loves it. I have to say, I have great hair. It makes up for my ugly face ;)

matteo, I'm not ready for hair that short yet, but I'm working up to it! That is very sexy...
posted by iconomy 25 April | 10:56
Seconding mygothlaundry.
posted by StickyCarpet 25 April | 10:56
danostuporstar, here is a picture of me flashing my boobs on teh intarweb. It was a few years ago. Gravity has taken its toll since then.
posted by essexjan 25 April | 11:23
Great haircut, ej!
posted by danostuporstar 25 April | 11:50
If I could pull it off, I'd totally do the last one on the middle row. But I just love all kinds of bobs, artistically - especially the more defined ones. I don't finally go for them myself, though, because then I'd feel obliged to dress up to my haircut, and never forget to put on my eyeliner and stuff.
posted by taz 25 April | 12:33
I'd totally do the last one on the middle row

The haircut, pervs, the haircut.
posted by taz 25 April | 12:34
Top left or bottom right.

It really depends on the kind of hair you have, though. If it's thick, you can get away with some of these fuller-looking ones, but if it's fine, than something like the lower right is the way to go.

Also, many of these cuts are similar, but styled differently; the middle one that everyone likes would take you about half an hour every morning to do.

I'd avoid the heavy, blunt bangs unless you've got the cheekbones to pull it off...
posted by Specklet 25 April | 14:04
i wish i could do bangs but the hair in the face factor won't do, for my skin or for doing any kind of work. Looks great but far too annoying.
My hair is boob length now and i have no idea what to do with it. i keep thinking i could do the Christopher Walken diet again, where you cut your hair short and the body slims up to follow suit. It actually worked once before, but i think it might have stopped working for Mr. Walken.
It's thick, heavy and annoying and the base back is getting sheared no matter what, but i keep thinking about thinning it out and have no idea what to do with it.
posted by ethylene 25 April | 14:22
I like any of the the ones without blunt bangs.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 25 April | 16:41
Upper left.

And may I just say that any day in which my attention is drawn to a site called Bob Worship is a fine day indeed.
posted by bmarkey 25 April | 21:05
Theme music from one of the cinematic masterpieces of our time. || Happy birthday, Lipstick Thespian!