Ask MeCha: Should I 'sell' my online identity? →[More:]
An email from another MeFite (not a lurker but not not a familiar MetaPersonality) complaining after I stopped updating my "Photoslop" photocomics has led to an interesting offer. With the opinion that they could do a better job of being "wendell" than wendell, this person is offering to pay me for most of the unused or under-used domains I own. The weird thing is: this person also wants my "wendell" personna, including the blog and my accounts at MeFi and elsewhere as "wendell", believing that it carries some value in goodwill that would make building an audience for the sites easier. I insisted that it never worked that way for me, but that's the only way this person will make a deal. Under the deal, I could go back to MeFi and other places with a new nick and identify myself as "the Old Wendell" but not use anything with "wendell" as part of a username; the "new" wendell would keep their true identity totally secret. We're even talking over an 'escape clause' that would give me my identity back if the New Wendell decides to quit (which I consider rather likely). From all our communications and my research on this person's previous web identity, I would not likely be ashamed of anything they'd do with my "name". (If you didn't know, Wendell is not my REAL name) This does not involve a sell-my-soul amount of money, but it is tempting, as is the idea of doing less web activity while somebody else keeps my 'name' going. But still... it's weird.
Should I take the offer? (The person wants to start at the beginning of the month, which means either Tomorrow or May 1st) Would YOU take such an offer? Are there any legal/copyright issues I should be seriously thinking about? Is this person nutes? Am I nuts? (And should I put this up on AskMeFi? or will I be laughed off the site?)