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22 March 2007

What's the difference between your "enough" and your "too much?" That's really all I'm asking. If it seems to vague or general, think of something specific. For example, how much is enough ice cream for you as compared to how much too much is?

much much much much.
In terms of ice cream, "enough" is usually about 1/3 of what the ice cream store gives me. I'm not a big sweets person. But since I paid for it, I usually eat the whole thing, and that's very often "too much".
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 22 March | 15:24
What is this 'too much,' you speak of?
posted by jonmc 22 March | 15:27
To go with TPS, speaking in ice cream I can still walk comfortably after eating "enough" but would like to unbutton my pants after "too much". Often, "enough" could be a couple of bites if I'm just random craving something.
posted by youngergirl44 22 March | 15:28
I am a bottomless pit where ice cream is concerned.
posted by essexjan 22 March | 15:40
I am a bottomless pit where POTATO CHIPS are concerned. Or anything that contains potatoes and/or cheese. Mmmmm, potatoes with cheese.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 22 March | 15:58
Enough is when I come home with that doggy in the window. Too much is when I don't :(
posted by TheDonF 22 March | 16:02
Ok, what about less tangible things: attention, discomfort, confidence? Sunlight, relaxation, excitement?
posted by nímwunnan 22 March | 16:03
When you begin to decompose that's too much relaxation. When you spontaneously combust that's too much excitement. Melanoma is natures way of saying too much sun.
posted by arse_hat 22 March | 16:09
Enough=contentment. Too much=discomfort.
posted by initapplette 22 March | 16:14
I think init nailed it.

I think I'm going to get some ice cream on the way home.
posted by Specklet 22 March | 16:18
what init said, indeed!
posted by Miko 22 March | 16:44
Enough=contentment. Too much=discomfort.

posted by deborah 22 March | 23:06
A coworker brought egg rolls in today. A whole bunch.

2 = enough
3 = really, that's enough

5 = URP!
posted by Doohickie 22 March | 23:26
I have to get rid of anything sweet.
posted by brujita 22 March | 23:57
Remarkably, "Enough" sushi and "Too Much" sushi are often found in the first and final chewing of the *same piece*. Spooky.
posted by Triode 23 March | 00:12
Sometimes things are pretty neat: || It's not just me...