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Comment Feed:


22 March 2007

Starvation for Sanjaya Some girl hates Sanjaya (on America Idol) so much, she's on a hunger strike until he's voted off. I can't decide if she's serious, or if this is some sort of reverse psychology thing. Either way, I voted for him.
Because part of me is that cruel. Although I do think he's cute, and I did want him to get to go on the American Idol tour.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 22 March | 11:28
Supes, in my house, both my mom and sis think he should've been voted out ages ago; they feel a lot of the other competitors were much better than he was, and they can't believe he's still around.
posted by hadjiboy 22 March | 11:45
Nice call on voting for him though;)
posted by hadjiboy 22 March | 11:45
I watched a few videos of him online- he's not very good, but he's so cute, and last week he didn't do so awful. So I gave him my support, since I never use all my cell phone minutes anyway.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 22 March | 11:47
I love Idol, but we don't get to see it here until Friday night so can I ask you guys as the competition progresses PLEASE NO SPOILERS ON THE FRONT PAGE!!!
posted by essexjan 22 March | 12:03
Otay buckwheat!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 22 March | 12:17
That kid sends my creepy-ometer into serious overdrive. I can't wait until he's gone.
posted by initapplette 22 March | 12:19
See, and knowing other people hate him so much makes voting extra fun :-) I'm voting for American Idol and I'm not even watching the show! I'm sick! Sick sick sick!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 22 March | 12:34
I love this, from the Myspace "About me" section: Hi, my name is J. I have always been a big fan of American Idol...

So she's what, five years old?
posted by Hugh Janus 22 March | 12:52
Heh. Maybe it's like that scene in The Shining where Grady the butler says "You are the caretaker, Mr. Torrance. You have always been the caretaker."

So, like, this Sanjaya kid is Scatman Crothers, MySpace is the haunted hotel, and Paula is the crazy lady in room 217.
posted by Atom Eyes 22 March | 13:13
(That "X is in your extended network" message MySpace includes on profile pages is the most pointless thing ever. I'm not even logged in, and everyone is in my extended network.)
posted by me3dia 22 March | 13:59
I added her as a friend, so I could comment on her blog (which is a daily update on how her hunger strike is going). I let her know I'm not sure it's not a big ploy to get us to vote for Sanjaya.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 22 March | 14:22
Wanna know what sends my creepy-ometer into serious overdrive? American Idol. And Survivor. And reality television in general. But most of all, people that get so worked up about these shows that it starts effecting their lives. I don't mean to offend, but it's true.
posted by youngergirl44 22 March | 15:51
You should tell that to the hungry girl. If she's really doing it. She hasn't offered any conclusive proof.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 22 March | 15:55
Nah, I'm not in the mood to potentially insult someone I don't know. It's too sunny outside for that.
posted by youngergirl44 22 March | 16:11
Strikebreakers, including chocolate eclairs and pound cake, were seen entering the Sanjaya Vote Factory under police guard early Thursday. No word yet as to their current whereabouts. Survivors strawberry shortcake and mint chip ice cream are currently in protective custody. Chief Big Mac had no comment.
posted by Hugh Janus 22 March | 16:16
It doesn't strike me as a great idea to do a hunger strike based on something that is decided once a week. Every week he stays in the competition, she has to not eat for a whole week. That's a long time.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 22 March | 16:41
I am mid-way through my 6th day of fasting and I am determined not to give up until Sanjaya is off American Idol. I would like to go on the record right now that despite our initial claim, and after going through it myself, we not recommend long-term starvation for anyone.

Does she really she's gone through "long-term starvation" after fasting for six days?

posted by Specklet 22 March | 17:27
I wonder if she's informed the people at this site of her intentions.
posted by deborah 22 March | 19:06
This is how Bush got elected, too. The rest of the world was all, "They wouldn't dare!" And we were all, "Suck it, h4t3rz!"
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson 02 April | 16:25
Queen Latifah still brings the awesome || Where does all the #@%* money go?