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21 February 2007

Hooray for 45°F temps! I rode my bike to work today for the first time in more than a month. It made my morning oh so much better.
It figures that when it's freezing outside, I have nothing to do and am so bored.
But when it gets warm for once, I have to be inside studying for exams!

Stupid education!

And oh yes, one of the top reasons I love warm weather: Riding your bike doesn't suck horribly (I ride mine to class, most days, unless there is ice).
posted by CitrusFreak12 21 February | 13:35
It must be almost 70 here and it's amazing. I just went for a short work related walk and it was totally painful to drag myself back up into my windowless concrete bunker office. Sigh.
posted by mygothlaundry 21 February | 15:17
After 2 1/2 weeks of single digits and teens (F), last night I welcomed my first workout where I didn't need mittens and at least 2 layers of clothing, only to realize that the rapidly coalescing fog was disconcertingly freezing on contact with the still-cold, mostly slush-covered ground, making footing progressively more treacherous as I speedmarched with about 65 lb. strapped to my back and in my two hands. About three more nights and days, and the snow should've thawed to the point where I can have what I consider a normal speedmarch -- which is much, MUCH harder on snow and ice than over non-icy ground.
posted by PaxDigita 21 February | 16:23
heh. CitrusFreak, you and I should talk about how to homebrew a set of studded tyres for a mountain bike. My roommate showed me this and it works amazingly well.

it's been in the fifties here lately, thank goodness. The subzero temps and ice were really starting to annoy. I actually haven't had to wear shoe covers or a face mask at all this week on my ride in. And now that the glaciers have receded from the parking lots, my fixte has made a grand reappearance in all it's shiny chrome blinginess.

I drove my car to work exactly 2 days in 2006. But then, I live in an area where it is insanely easy to combo-commute, meaning even on the coldest days, if I coordinate a bus trip, I only have to ride 2 blocks at most.
posted by lonefrontranger 21 February | 16:38
I hope my bike will even start. Maybe I can ride it to work on Saturday. Just gotta watch for icy refreeze.
posted by Eideteker 21 February | 21:31
Update || fenriq, WTF?