Living-together-for-the-first-time-Chat Come inside and help me figure out this sleeping-together-nightly-ettiquette.
Last night, my S.O. got a bad case of the tossing-and-turning disease, with some random throat irritation that kept him up all night coughing. It kept me up, too, and I have to go to work early in the morning! When this happened in college, the one who owned the bed got to sleep in it and kick the other one out, regardless of the situation. Now, we BOTH own the bed! I made him sleep on the couch, since he wasn't sick and since I had to get up early, but I felt really really bad about it (well, not bad enough to lose any sleep over it!) Now I'm thinking - I was the one who was annoyed, maybe I should have slept on the couch.
Our couch is really comfortable to sleep on, and we both slept like babies, but I felt so terrible when I woke up and saw him sleeping out there.
Bunnies who have been in a relationship, past or present, how do y'all handle this situation?