That's just RUDE! : Inspired by
this AskMe, let's bitch and moan about things that are REALLY rude. I'll start.
I fucking hate it when people try to order coffee while simultaneously talking on their cellphones. Especially rude are the people who say "Oh, I'm sorry" not to ME, but to the person ON THE PHONE.
There's an independent coffee shop in town that has a sign that says "We'll be happy to serve you once you hang up your phone." I have sign envy.
D00ds, I can not understand you when you are mumbling to me and speaking LOUDLY on your phone. Also, do not STARE AT ME when I ask you a question about your order or attempt to ring up your bill. YOU ARE ORDERING COFFEE, YOU TOOL. If you wants the coffee, you has to pay for it. It's not free for you just because you have decided that you are more important than the rest of the world.