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Comment Feed:


13 January 2007

I am locked out of my house and no one will take my phone calls. Friends, this is NOT the time to be screening. [More:]The above does not apply to friends who do not have a spare set of keys to my apartment. Those friends can screen all they want, unless they do have keys to someone else's apartment, in which case they should answer all calls, even from strange numbers, because it may not be a telemarketer but instead a friend who has no cell phone and is desperately trying to reach you from a pay phone.
And if anyone here happens to have an IM connection with ikkyu, can you tell him to check his email in the next 20 minutes before my internet cafe connection is up?
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 16:38
occhi... if you email me his IM i'll notify him.
posted by sciurus 13 January | 16:42
Also, I was locked out while doing laundry, so I'm basically wearing my pajamas with a ratty sweater thrown over them, and it's freaking COLD today, and boo hoo hoo I'm the little match girl with no friends who will talk to meeeeee.
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 16:42
I don't know what his IM is... which is part of the problem. I was hoping someone here would know.

Does someone have Jessamyn's? I know she and he chat sometimes.
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 16:44
ok, i'll try to track her down
posted by sciurus 13 January | 16:47
I IMed her explaining the deal but she has her away message up. Dunno if she'll get it in time.
posted by sciurus 13 January | 16:49
Thanks so much. I know this is ridiculous, I'm just kind of out of ideas at this point.
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 16:51
This is why I keep a screwdriver in my purse. If I get locked out, I remove the mailbox and wiggle my hand in there to open the door.

Yeah, uh, don't tell the theives that it's that easy to break into my flat.
posted by dabitch 13 January | 16:52
Talking with jessadmin right now. She's on it like Mama Cass on a ham sandwich.
posted by sciurus 13 January | 16:53
she's choking on it? ;)
posted by dabitch 13 January | 16:54
OK, now's the time to use all the skills you picked up watching Batman. You're wearing your utility belt, right? right??
posted by jonmc 13 January | 16:54
She's on it like a tick on a hound dog, like an infant on Tickle Me Elmo, like a Scandinavian on a bottle of vodka.
posted by sciurus 13 January | 16:56
Like a MeFi admin on a goatse post.
posted by sciurus 13 January | 16:57
poor occhi!!!!!!!
posted by taz 13 January | 16:57
Hee. If it were the summertime, this would not be an issue, as I could get to the backyard through a neighbors apartment (I mean, I could ask to cut through their apartment) and then getting into my open windows is easy. But it's winter, and the house is closed down tight, so I am left shivering in the cold as my cat looks out the window and laughs at me.

Thank you so much scirius (and jessamyn) and if I don't hear from ikkyu electronically in the next ten minutes, it's back to yelling at him to pick up from the payphone...

Did I mention I'm having a dinner party tonight and need to marinate quail? And clean the house that I am locked out of? And possibly, at some point, shower and put on clean clothes? Sigh.
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 16:58
Oh man. Maybe you're cat will be filled with contriteness and will marina[dt]e the quail for you?
posted by sciurus 13 January | 17:05

posted by sciurus 13 January | 17:06
All right, out of time. Back to the phone!
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 17:07
Did I mention I'm having a dinner party tonight and need to marinate quail? And clean the house that I am locked out of? And possibly, at some point, shower and put on clean clothes? Sigh.
Oh. My. God.

*crosses fingers*

I went to AskMe to see if he was currently answering questions but the last was an hour ago so I didn't leave any messages for him there.
posted by iconomy 13 January | 17:09
jessamyn says that ikkyu2 checked his IM so perhaps he has now been put in contact with occhiblu.

i'm starting to get confused what with all the people relaying messages everywhich way. i almost thought I was the one locked out, but then i realized i'm sitting on my couch.
posted by sciurus 13 January | 17:30
Let me know if I can help, though it sounds like your cell phone is locked inside your apartment too...
posted by mudpuppie 13 January | 17:31
(I'm really curious about how you're posting, though, from outside your house and in your pajamas....)
posted by mudpuppie 13 January | 17:32
An internet cafe was mentioned. (ObGroucho: "This morning I posted to metachat in my pajamas. How metachat got in my pajamas I'll never know.")
posted by George_Spiggott 13 January | 17:37

Scirius's message got through to Jessamyn, and Jessamyn's message got through to ikkyu, and so ikkyu finally picked up the phone when I called from the payphone, and then he drove over here and let me in. Huzzah!

And yes, I was at an internet cafe. I had money (and credit cards) on me because I had been trying to do laundry when I first got locked out; I had just stupidly thrown my keys on top of my yoga bag (because I was planning on going to yoga class after picking up my laundry) rather than in my pocket.

Thank you all so very much! Internet power in action!
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 17:40
Wow, this was basically like a really cool online fire drill. Only, not so much a drill. Yay people!
posted by mudpuppie 13 January | 17:42
It Wendelled!
posted by iconomy 13 January | 17:47
Wow, this was basically like a really cool online fire drill. Only, not so much a drill. Yay people!

ExACTly. To both.
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 18:03
The door is breached. Stand down MetaChat, I repeat, stand down. The alert is cancelled.
posted by ikkyu2 13 January | 18:08
*hits the abort button on the intercontinental ballistic acorn launcher*
posted by sciurus 13 January | 18:18
Wow. Nice.
posted by casarkos 13 January | 18:19
I really love all you people.
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 18:20
I must have missed the part in the induction where we exchange house keys with our neighbouring MeChazens.
posted by chrismear 13 January | 18:24
Tune in next week when occhiblu locks her keys in her car.
posted by mischief 13 January | 18:30
That was, um, really neat. and cool. and stuff. Apparently my words are in my other yoga bag, but it made me grin and feel all warm inside.
posted by elizard 13 January | 18:30
I must have missed the part in the induction where we exchange house keys with our neighbouring MeChazens.

There was a recent amendment to rule 142.3. The above mandate only applies to MeChazens you're dating.
posted by mudpuppie 13 January | 18:34
this is awesomely insane
posted by matteo 13 January | 18:40
it's like the mechaneighbourhoodwatch! so cool.
posted by dabitch 13 January | 19:00
I love that it ended up being most efficient to post from San Francisco to a website run from Greece and London so that a member in Cleveland could IM another member in Vermont who then got through to someone back in San Francisco, though in order to contact him I had to dial a cellphone number based in New York.

The 21st century is CRAZY I tell you! CRAZY!
posted by occhiblu 13 January | 19:04
This. Is. Just. So. Freaking. Awesome.

*was out drinking beer with moonbird when it all went down, even.*
posted by mygothlaundry 13 January | 20:30
I missed all the drama. I always do.
posted by typewriter 13 January | 20:48
The 21st century is CRAZY I tell you! CRAZY!

You could've avoided all that if you just used your Bat-Hook, dammit!
posted by jonmc 13 January | 21:06
Great, now I have "Spiderwebs" stuck in my head.
posted by Eideteker 13 January | 21:20
I think matteo nailed it.
posted by deborah 13 January | 22:54
I love that it ended up being most efficient to post from San Francisco to a website run from Greece and London so that a member in Cleveland could IM another member in Vermont who then got through to someone back in San Francisco, though in order to contact him I had to dial a cellphone number based in New York.

It's worth mentioning that the website is served from a host which is physically in Dallas and administered from New Zealand.
posted by George_Spiggott 14 January | 00:29
I lurked. Isn't that obligatory? That someone lurks?
posted by stilicho 14 January | 01:00
I kinda like coming in late, this way I read quickly, dying to see how it ended! You guys all rock.
posted by redvixen 14 January | 10:42
That's amazing. Got in before freezing to death and all internet cafes closed. Yay internets.Nice community indeedy.

Living in an apartment, it costs me a bottle of wine to get the super to let me in. The bottle¿ My choice for bugging him off 4am./

He's spent many an evening sipping wine on my account, I tell ya.
posted by alicesshoe 14 January | 13:26
Is it just me or is AIM down for everyone? || Sascha Baron Cohen talks about how handles portraying Borat.