Back to the grind. Being broke sucks shit.
So the TV work I was getting dried up, and the great opportunity my landlady gave me had a few problems (what do I do? How do I get paid?). So I went back to the temp firm that had placed me in the Tower of Doom, and they are champing at the bit now to get me into a high-paying finance position (much higher-paying than my Doomtower job). My Quaker education has led me to revile the system by which white motherfuckers like me need only to show up to get the primo jobs, but I'm damn tired of eating nothing but oats and canned soup and paying my subway fare in gradually diminishing denominations of change. So I'm once again embracing my inner cracker and going back to working for The Man.
Hope flooded into me after leaving my temp firm for the first time this year. Ever since my dubious New Year's experience, I've felt about as low as ever. Now I've got wings, even though this poor diet's giving me the babyshits. Life sucks. Gotta make it better.