odd furry creature showing up on tazbalcony. White fur with large caramel spots. Four legs, whiskers, pink nose. Two hands tall, toes to ears; five hands long, tip to tail. WHAT TO DO?
Apparently, this is a cat. I'd like to be more sure, but having no cats show up on any of my property in 10 years makes me unsure.
So... yeah, this is kinda weird, I know, but
we never see cats on our balcony, or any of our balconies since we've lived in this city. Kittything has now been spotted on our balcony several times in the last coupld of weeks, and here's my question: In cold weather I often keep covered pots of soup (or whatever - foodstuff in covered pots that need to be kept cold), and my vegetables in plastic bags out on the balcony because my fridge is too small. Do I need to stop doing this? Is strange kitty going to poop in my plants and pee on my plastic bags of veggies? Knock the top off my soup pot and eat my chickpea stew? :) Is there any reason to do anything at all about this (ie: discourage the cat)? I don't really mind bothering with securing the foodstuff, but I also am thinking a little bit about fleas in summer... (don't hate me! If it were my own cat, I could be sure about at least the flea part. Maybe.)
This may all sound ridiculous, but it's actually quite an unusual event. She's now been spotted several times, so it's not a one-time thing. She's gotta be someone's pet (looking very healthy and confident, etc.), so I'm not worried about "rescuing" her, btw. Still, if she's so totally free to roam, the flea worry might be quite reasonable. Or should I just unclench?