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Comment Feed:


21 December 2006

Smile - Lilly Allen. The happiest sorta reggae/sorta ska song about getting revenge on a cheating partner. Plus, she's freaking adorable. [QT]
They're playing this song Right This Minute on


p.s. You are a darling monkey. Look in the mirror and happily say, "why, I'm just the darlingest monkey that anyone ever saw, ever!"

posted by Lipstick Thespian 21 December | 16:30

Thanks LT! Many monkey hugs your way! I meant to ask you a bit back if you'd been the one who posted a certain version of Spiritualized - Ladies And Gentleman We Are Floating In Space waaaaaaaay back. The only ones I can find have him claiming he doesn't think can ever love her again and the one I grabbed here claims just the opposite. I can't remember if I got it here or on IRC...yes that far back in the day. =)
posted by Frisbee Girl 21 December | 16:42
Smile was my favorite song this summer.
posted by weretable and the undead chairs 21 December | 17:12
dammit, they moved the video. I'd love to hear some ska type stuff right about now.
posted by dabitch 21 December | 17:35
dabitch, that's so weird, it's coming up just fine for me - I could email ysi it, mebbe?
posted by Frisbee Girl 21 December | 17:39
Weren't me, Frazzleberry Girl. I'm not all that into Spiritualized meself.

Possible culprits: Hellbient, Box, Mosch.

I'm sorry, I must go now. Band of Horsies is now on, which means I must stare at the window wistfully and get a delightfully tight feeling in my chest.

posted by Lipstick Thespian 21 December | 17:41
Smile , Vile and Piles
(Previously on metachat)"
posted by seanyboy 21 December | 19:40
Ok, I get it. I give up posting here. All of the reminders of how someone else got there first are wearisome. I've always tried to respect the preference that we not double post, but didn't know it had changed into a carping point.

So's you know, I tried three different search angles, each one with and without quotations on her name alone and the song title searching both posts and comment. Nothing. I'd've never tried to steal your thunder seanyboy and it's quite nice that you got there first and you had the opportunity to remind people. Good on you.
posted by Frisbee Girl 21 December | 20:22
Huh? We don't like double posts here? I love double posts.

*frowns at seanyboy*
*goes to get a pint*
posted by muddgirl 21 December | 21:08
posted by Hugh Janus 21 December | 21:31
I'm amused that the link to seanyboy's "previously" has the footnote to its previous link "fuck you". Seanyboy, this isnt Metafilter, it's inappropriate to think that it is. I didn't see any of the admins getting fruity about the multitudinous postings of the pink italian mountain rabbit (ie previously, today). Linking back to your own post does seem a little smug and self-serving even tho that might not have been your intent.

And Fris, you know how much we love you, so don't give up on us completely.
posted by urbanwhaleshark 21 December | 21:39
I'm amused that the link to seanyboy's "previously" has the footnote to its subsequent link "Charles Simic," a post I made with some really good poetry in it. I love this place!
posted by Hugh Janus 21 December | 21:44
I like Frisbee Girl, double posts, pints and thinking that seanyboy means to point to additional videos, rather than, y'know, carp. I'm kinda undecided on Ms. Allen, though I'm always happy to see a response song, no matter how ridiculous.

On preview: I also like Charles Simic.
posted by box 21 December | 21:46
Wow, the stress of Christmas shopping must be getting to some people. Not that I presume to speak for seanyboy (not that it will shut me up), but I really don't think there was any carping going on (well, unless he also has fish in his pants). I saw that it was just a helpful pointing-out of some more stuff on the same topic.

*hands out chill-pills*
posted by dg 21 December | 22:21
Oh, my. friz, darling... you've definitely got it wrong! Seanyboy is absolutely not like that at all (at all, at all!). And double posting never was and still isn't a big deal... more like something to have fun with in various ways.

*loves frisbee, loves seanyboy, boils over with lavahot love in a distinctly affectionate puddle on the floor*
posted by taz 22 December | 01:57
God. God. God.
I wasn't having a go.

Firstly, I was pointing out the response songs because I thought they were funny, And I was saying, Hey - look at me - I posted this before. Aren't I clever.

I wasnae trying to steal any thunder or be mean. If I'm being 100% honest. my ego was a bit bruised that my original post elicited 0 comments and this post elicited more but that's my problem. I hold no anger about this.

And hey - I've earned my quota of pink bunnies on hills also. It's a tradition.
posted by seanyboy 22 December | 03:33
Thanks for the email, seany. I guess what confused me was that you didn't say, "Hey - look at me - I posted this before. Aren't I clever." Which, to be honest, you are. But the links being posted without further comment...seemed to be making a statement of a different nature.

I always defend doubles because often they're things that I'd missed previously and unless the link was posted so as to provide quick access to good conversation in the first thread or perhaps additional relevant links, I've always felt that pointing it out as a double to be rather petty and tactless. But that's my problem.
posted by Frisbee Girl 22 December | 10:23
Um, can Taz do that whole "lava boiling over" thing again? And, um, could I possibly have Frisbee Girl dancing in a bunny costume behind her while Seanyboy stands in the corner reciting A Christmas Story whilst wearing Bishop's robes?

Christmas only comes but once a year!
posted by Lipstick Thespian 22 December | 10:32
*commences to heating up and bubbling over*
posted by taz 22 December | 10:58
aw, Fris.

I think the double-post thing on MeCha has evolved to being wholeheartedly in favor of them. But we still point them out, affectionately-like. And maybe that happened while you were away for a bit?
posted by gaspode 22 December | 11:20
'pode, prolly, in any event, the spazatron is now gone. [Hell, maybe I should just double post myself and get into a snit about it. It would be sort of like a cock punch, no?]

In other news, I had a dream this morning that seanyboy offered me twice baked cookies and I had a good laugh.
posted by Frisbee Girl 22 December | 14:45
And, yes, I realize I've got a twisted, twisted sense of humor.
posted by Frisbee Girl 22 December | 14:46
The Tears for Fears version is better. || I am not a coder,