lfr-doing-laundry (IRC) howdy Mechazens! Come join me in IRC whilst I idle away yet another quality saturday night running back and forth between the apartment and the laundrette.
Topics of discussion including but not limited to:
- why in the Nine Million Names of God is yousendit so freaking lame today?
- has Sufjan Stevens ever been anything BUT incredibly awesome?
- is anyone else ready to stab their eardrums out from hearing 'Little Drummer Boy' roughly 1,547,836 times/day?
- ZOMG!! how did I never notice how indescribably sexy Jude Law is until I watched 'Enemy at the Gates Wednesday night?
- depending on other factors and participants, topics always risk derail into nerdly bicycle discussions - thus it is up to
you, non-cycling bunnies, to swarm the channel and keep the quality of discourse at a manageable level.