I am drunk and on a borrowed computer and I love you all very much It's odd how much the internet has augmented/replaced my social group. Now I'm left, essentially, with people that I've known since high school (and have gotten over their quirks) or people who I know through teh intarwebz.
And I know that there are gradiations of intimacy; I can't call Jonmc when my car has been towed. But now that my girlfriend is in LA and I'm forced to telecommunicate (once, television was decried by word mavens due to its mixed Greco-Roman roots) with her, it's led to a new appreciation for the personalities I encounter online. I miss people when I don't see them.
All this Christmas music is making me maudlin, I fear. Oh, and the bar has Wifi so that I can use this borrowed computer to write my term papers while being thoroughly sotted. Thank God for Metafilter, dark beer and the holidays! And God help me come up with a term for missing people I haven't ever met in person.