This is a THWACK!ing thread. I have a wide variety of paddles available to those bunnies who would like to THWACK!!, but the classic wooden one with the pink and white stripes and the holes in the centre is MINE.
C.B., I went to all the trouble of going to London and bringing S as you asked me to do, and it WORKED beyond our WILDEST DREAMS, and not only did you NOT say thank you, you EDITED ME OUT OF THE PICTURE/ARTICLE.
And I have to go about and pretend I don't care, because everyone thinks I'm so nice and forswearing of accolades, but NO, I'm NOT! I have a big ego and it wants CHEESEBURGERS!
THWACCCCCCK!!!!! Thwack thwack thwack!
Oh, and Scotland hates you right back. Why don't you stay in London if you hate it here so much! :)