a sort of ignorant question about contact lenses: I just got some 30-day lenses. Can I sleep with these?
Here's the story: I got my all previous lenses from my ophthalmologist, and he just wouldn't hear of contacts you could sleep with... I told him I didn't plan on sleeping with them all the time, but I wanted them so that if I happened to fall asleep on the couch while reading or whatever, it wouldn't be a big deal. He wouldn't discuss it.
So... for various reasons, I've decided to go to a new doctor for a new prescription for glasses and contacts (it's time for a new set, and I don't feel like going back to to the other guy)... but in the meantime, I lost my contacts and had to get replacements 'til I get my new prescription. The ones I got (from an optician) are good for a month only, which is fine because I should have my new ones by then, but my question is, can I assume these are safe to sleep in? I forgot to ask, and don't much feel like going back or calling to find out.