Here's my problem with NBC's The Office: Okay, first off, let me say that I really enjoy this show (and the original BBC series)...HOWEVER...
The concept of the show is that it's a reality series about the inter-workings of an "Office" and the "cast" are not actors and therefore, it is not scripted. Occasionally, an office worker will throw a knowing glance at the camera or they'll self-edit so that they don't appear to be a jerk on TV. Also, the "camera-team" will interact directly with the employees, pointing out things to them that they might otherwise miss.
But the show's been on for over two seasons now. The third is getting ready to start. My question is: Does the "SHOW" (the one that's being filmed) appear on television anywhere? Have Michael and his staff ever seen themselves on TV? And if so, why hasn't this affected their office behavior?
Wouldn't Michael's corporate office have seen some of the shit he pulls and shitcanned him by now? We've seen employees naked and stealing from the company, and yet they've not been fired or reprimanded? What gives?
Who would let a film crew tape for (going on) three years in their workplace without ever seeing the actual "SHOW?"
Am I the only one who's bothered by this?