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08 July 2006

Please allow me to introduce myself.... I'm Asako Inoguchi, Autocon, Kikuko Nishimura -san, Medbh Moon Ogham Reverend Tex J. Bilke, and I'm getting ready to bring operation laser hope on tha enemy. Who are you?
My name is Excellentissimo Domino Jeronimo Alejandro Penasco de Halcones Quinto, Marchioni de Azuaga et de Hornachos, Comiti de Llerena, Barcarrota, et de Jerez de los Caballeros, Vicecomiti de Llera, Entrin Alto y Bajo, et de Cabeza del Buey, Baroni de Barrax, Baza, Nerva, Jadraque, Brazatortas, Gargantiel, et de Val de las Muertas, Domino Domus de Atalaya, Ordinis Equestris Calatravae Beneficiario de la Fresneda. You can call me Al.
posted by comments on the world as will 08 July | 09:22
My mom calls me Kichisaburo Akera, Warrider, Kamatari Makabe-san, Tyr Crow Moonstone, Pastor Wick Lee Swindoll, and I fight to defend Operation Noble Flash.
(here's the correct Ninja Burger Name link)
posted by comments on the world as will 08 July | 09:27
ach, I must have been distracted by something pretty pretty shiny shiny to have messed up that link. thanks Kichisaburo Akera... can I call you cotwaw?
posted by dabitch 08 July | 10:10
Dabitch, you rock. I got fascinated with name generators a couple years ago and had a really, really long list of them. It's gone.

One of my favorites was the Blues Name. Here's the Random Blues Name Generator, and here's the Blues Name Calculator.

And: I'm Michi Momotami (That sounds about right!), Downcap, Koji Hidari-San, Aine Winter Bear, Professor Colby T. Miracle (evangelists are never women, I guess), and look out for operation Laser Switch.
posted by Miko 08 July | 10:25
I'm Matt. I drink beer.
posted by cmonkey 08 July | 11:07
I'm Blind Eyes Bailey, see my blind eyes cryin'
Can't see the truth but I know you's lyin'
You and your faroe puttin' horns on me
Lord, how I miss what I can't see.
posted by Hugh Janus 08 July | 11:32
Hideko Akaike, Autopath, Gisaku Miyoshi-san, Moon Phoenix Spirit, Dr. Avon "Bo" L'Impe. My mission when invading Canada was called Determined Hope.
posted by deborah 08 July | 13:22
It was my pleasure Professor Colby T. Miracle (rocking name!) - thanks so much for the Blues name additons, Lightnin' Charlie Ford signing off. ;)
posted by dabitch 08 July | 14:01
Okay, I'm Benkei Kitabatake, Supershaft (?!?), Mosuke Tadokoro -san, Stone Horizon Moonfire, Professor W. Ike Phirramid and One-Eyed Otis Fillmore.

Operation Vigilant Promise begins in 5 minutes.

But I'm also Ebenezer Cottontail (bunny name), Puff Kitten (cat name), Billy Jack Keith (country music name), Jiggly Pants (cutesy pet name), Finrod Nénharma (elfish name), Sherman Tank Pond Swimma (gangsta name), Little John Birmingham (hillbilly name), Mungo Sandybanks (hobbit name), 猿渡 Saruwatari [monkey on a crossing bridge] 大輝 Taiki [large radiance] (non-ninja japanese name), Alley Cat Al (mafia name), Noah Flaking Llama (native american/indian name), Frank, the SPARC Instruction Set Wannabe (nerd name), Funk Master W. Luthor (pimp name), Poop Deck Enrico (pirate name), Pope Vicious Donald VIII (pope name, duh), Anthony McKnight (popstar name), Mark Sparks (porn name, with ugly NSFW pic), Big Money (rapstar name), Bounty Ranks (reggae name), Axel Morrison (rockstar name), Dr. Roy Nwani, the uncle of Barrister Aku Yengeni, a general auditor of a Prime Bank, Johannesburg Branch (scammer name), Captain McNutt (squirrel name), Weed Boy (stoner name), Gckstÿkkkhanatuk Miller (taxi driver name), Beefy Piper (wrestling name), and Violent Toilet Thing (wu name).

And if I were female, I'd be Viscountess Fresh-as-a-Daisy (ya-ya name).

I'm the author of "Dragon of the Deathless Citadel" as well as a member of the bands Spit Eggplant, The Innocence Orchestra, Sarcastic Dust of the Wendell Anything and Tenuous Lemur (featuring Suzy "Full Body Rash" Sorrell on Oboe). My blog's name is Turbulent Labyrinth and my penis' name is King Kong.

I wuv The Generator Blog, a side project of the beloved Presurfer.
posted by wendell 08 July | 18:43
Dammit, now I've gotten obsessed.

I'm Basil A. Rarebit (groucho marx name), Benkei Kitabatake (another non-ninja japanese name), Hiraku Striker (manga name), Dozer the Double Double Agent (matrix name), Funk Master W. Luthor (pimp name), Speed Chuff Chuff (rock name from bbc), Frosty Brandy butter-Snowdrop (santa's little helper name, also from bbc), Loopy Potatospew (just plain silly name), Very Uninteresting Smurf (smurf name), Squirrel V. Checksummed (spammer name), Cutlass of Looking at All Sides of the Question (unitarian jihad name), Sam Cromwell, Master of Bukovina [an elderly mortal who did not want to die] (vampire name), Vémundr Sheeptipper (viking name)...

posted by wendell 08 July | 20:10
Wendell: Only you can end the cycle. Take my word for it.

(I did like my country star name, though: Rose McBride).
posted by Miko 08 July | 21:16
Oy, great job Supershaft. I was going to add that Viking name thing too, but it gave me a crap one (Warhorse).
posted by dabitch 09 July | 01:51
12 shots in 1.73 seconds. || I Did Something Horrible to my Dog