artphoto by splunge
artphoto by TheophileEscargot
artphoto by Kronos_to_Earth
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06 July 2006

Photo Friday 7/7/06! Theme: "I Am Curious Yellow." Post yer pictures here!
crap, i'll never be done.
posted by ethylene 06 July | 23:30
Yellow... not sure how curious:

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The former Doohickiemobile
posted by Doohickie 07 July | 00:28
I have 2:


posted by eekacat 07 July | 00:53
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Red Bannana.
posted by seanyboy 07 July | 02:23
Doohickie, what a cool car.


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posted by BoringPostcards 07 July | 04:51
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For people who use flickr - what if we tag our friday foto pics with a tag so we can also search from there? Like these could be 'friday foto 7-7-06' or 'metachat i am curious yellow' or something...

Here are direct links to my two photos.
posted by iconomy 07 July | 07:00
I wanted to do something abstract for this, or maybe even cartoonish with a bit of photoshop or mixed-media help, but I'm splitting for the weekend at noon and so it's been a crazy week.

So here is some "found art" from my job files at work:

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Click to enlarge.

A happy place? Check out the razor wire around the back, LOL.
posted by shane 07 July | 07:12
Love the razor wire....haha.

This is the clown photo that I meant to use, but for some reason I can't edit any post that has a photo in it here, so I can't change it in my other post:

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Click to enlarge
posted by iconomy 07 July | 07:33
heh, great stuff, iconomy. did that clown mean to look so... evil? he still reminds me of a giant chicken, for some inexplicable reason...
posted by shane 07 July | 07:46
All clowns are evil! He was part of a Fourth of July parade. It was all firetrucks and girl scouts and beauty pageant winners waving from convertibles until this Haunted Hayride float showed up. I couldn't take photos fast enough. There were goth girls totally covered from head to toe in blood, and a scary man on stilts, grim reapers, evil clowns, and all kinds of good stuff. The people watching the parade were all wtf when this float showed was hilarious.
posted by iconomy 07 July | 08:07
Iconomy, those are AWESOME clown pics. :D

I also like the idea of tagging the Photo Friday pics... maybe we can decide on a naming convention and start it next week? Or we can apply it this week if it's decided fast enough.
posted by BoringPostcards 07 July | 08:23
There were goth girls totally covered from head to toe in blood, and a scary man on stilts, grim reapers, evil clowns, and all kinds of good stuff.

I'd pay just to hang out in the middle of that float, LOL. Maybe with alcohol. Very seriously. What a beautiful thing.
posted by shane 07 July | 08:23
Doohickie, what a cool car.

Thanks. Back then, it was just a junker I bought for $650. But it ran well and was teh kewlest. I wish I still had it.
posted by Doohickie 07 July | 08:40
I just went through my entire photostream and have no predominantly yellow pics! I'll attempt to remedy this.

iconomy, I always tag my photo friday pics with both 'metachat' and 'photofriday'.
posted by mike9322 07 July | 08:43
Ok I'm going to do that too, Mike.
posted by iconomy 07 July | 08:52
rainbaby, that picture rocks.

(I'll add the tags to mine as well.)

on preview: awesome, mats. That 2nd one especially!
posted by BoringPostcards 07 July | 09:22
I did the tags too.
posted by matildaben 07 July | 09:25
Apparently photofriday is not just a Metachat term! Nearly 3000 photos!

I think we might need to get more specific. metachatphotofriday? mechaphotofriday? mike9322isthecoolest?
posted by mike9322 07 July | 09:26
Err... ≡ Click to see image ≡ is not a photo BUT I did make it fresh yesterday and it just happens to have yellow elements....lame of me I know.
posted by Mrs.Pants 07 July | 09:28
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I really am!
posted by Joe Famous 07 July | 09:29
Do red bananas taste very different from the yellow sort?
posted by Mrs.Pants 07 July | 09:32
Cool, Mrs Pants! Intriguing...

Joe, you're intriguing too! Whassup with the babes? Slick yellow shirt, too.
posted by shane 07 July | 09:43
No - Annoyingly, they taste exactly the same.
posted by seanyboy 07 July | 09:45
Thanks, Shane!
Actually the yellow shirt was a little too tight. hahaha.

The girls? Well, they're all friends of my friend (under my right arm) who used to work for a radio station here in NYC. They wanted to hang and the spot we chose that night was a place called Eugene's somewhere nestled in midtown.
posted by Joe Famous 07 July | 09:52
I love the yellowbells, gaspode... is that in New York or Maryland?
posted by BoringPostcards 07 July | 10:15
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The dominant color of the curry at the lower left
posted by danf 07 July | 10:22
where is mudpuppie with pictures of creamy yellowy (sorta) chickens?
posted by Mrs.Pants 07 July | 10:38
BP: New york. Central Park.

Must get out and take some more photos soon.
posted by gaspode 07 July | 10:41
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Lock 33 on the Erie Canal at sunset.
posted by tommasz 07 July | 10:55
Mats, what is that guy on the sign holding? A horseshoe? A magnet? Inquiring minds need to know!
posted by tommasz 07 July | 10:59
Synchronicity. I took this shot of "The Original Bimbo" at the beach arcade last night because this amusement machine was so bizarre. I'm sorry it's not clearer, it's very disappointing. I have no idea what era or culture thought this would be entertaining. You put a quarter in, and the marionette begins to jerk and twist in an agonized seizurelike dance. Music was playing, but it was very low and scratchy and I couldn't hear above the other arcade noises. The figure was once supposed to represent a clown, but he seems to have been re-dressed as a horror movie villian.

And look, I just went searching and found more information about Bimbo, who bizarrely dates from only 1981 and whose music is recorded on 8-track.
posted by Miko 07 July | 11:01
tommasz: I believe the guy on the sign has a claw, because the sign apparently was altered to say STOP FOR ME IT'S THE CLAW!
posted by cmonkey 07 July | 11:10
Duh! I get it now, cmonkey. But just imagine how cool it would be if was a horseshoe magnet!
posted by tommasz 07 July | 11:45
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Iconomy, when you say you can't edit comments with an image in them, are you remembering the trailing slash in the img tag? <img src="" /> ?
posted by Eideteker 07 July | 11:52
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The clock-tower door

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The bad place
posted by misteraitch 07 July | 12:08
misteraitch, I like those a lot.
posted by mike9322 07 July | 12:18
This is the best foto friday ever. Some really nice pictures here.

Eideteker, yep, I do remember the trailing slash. It seems it's the img tag itself that causes the problems. It's a head scratcher.
posted by iconomy 07 July | 12:48
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And I didn't think I'd have anything to contribute. :^)
posted by deborah 07 July | 13:33
Why can't I get this to work? I click on my Flickr image, copy and paste to the link here, and either I get the square with an "x" or "page not found". Once or twice I've been able to join in, but most of the time I'm thwarted. I've even tried uploading my pics to TinyPic-still no go. Is is me? I have Windows XP. Also, I get everyone's pics when I have "images off", but "click to see image" when I have "images on".
posted by redvixen 07 July | 16:19
deborah!!! I LOVE that!!

pupps, love your sunflowers too... I'm a big fan of sunflowers. :)
posted by BoringPostcards 07 July | 16:26
≡ Click to see image ≡

(photo not by me, but still)
posted by danf 07 July | 16:59
Vixen: I have feeling you're trying to link the Flickr page as an image, rather than the image itself. Or else you're copying the image overlay.

Simple (I hope) Instructions:
When in Flickr, go to the page of the image you want. Above the image, there should be a whole bunch of icons. Click on the magnifying glass that says ALL SIZES. Go down to the bottom of that page, where it says "2. Grab the photo's URL:" and copy the URL in the box below (it should end in .jpg; note the difference between the two links in the first line of this comment). Come back to this page, and beneath the comment box, click on the "Image" button. Paste the URL in the box that pops up. Click preview to make sure you can see the image.

If that doesn't work, you can always e-mail me with a convenient time and I can try to hop on IRC or the IM program of your choice and walk you through it in about five minutes.
posted by Eideteker 07 July | 17:02
danf, is that a racial remark you're making there? Because there's hardly any yellow in that pic at all.
posted by Eideteker 07 July | 17:02
Um, yellow card?
posted by mudpuppie 07 July | 17:10
≡ Click to see image ≡How about now?

posted by redvixen 07 July | 17:11
Eidetecker, you are cruising for a red card!
posted by danf 07 July | 17:14
≡ Click to see image ≡And this?

Eidetcker, you are the best!
posted by redvixen 07 July | 17:17
What a bunch of beautiful photographs. iconomy is right as usual.
posted by deborah 07 July | 17:42
I am universally loved AND hated! Hooray, everyone has strong feelings about me! =D

Glad it worked, Vixie. You may want to put your text on a separate line from the image, though. That's purely stylistic, though.
posted by Eideteker 07 July | 18:39
I'm sorry, Eid, I can only learn one thing at a time. ;^)
posted by redvixen 07 July | 18:57
Though, in flagrant violation of stylistic considerations, though, I enjoy overusing though, though. Ugh, me! Get with it, me!

You're doing just fine, Annieareyouok.
posted by Eideteker 07 July | 19:49
this is important || SPOILER WARNING -- Why not more outrage over the big plot event in Superman Returns?