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Comment Feed:


27 June 2006

AskMecha? Headaches, stomach pain, nausea (often after eating). Sometimes individually, sometimes simultaneously. The last four days. Does this sound like anything? (I've been pretty miserable and can't afford to see a doctor unless absolutely necessary.)
probably cancer.
posted by puke & cry 27 June | 01:11
Ahh a dick is here. Go fuck yourself Puke and Cry.

Could be a million things. Could be a little stomach business, could be an ulcer, could be nothing. If you can, get as much rest, hydration and sleep as possible and see if it passes in another day or two. Anything that troubles you past like a week and half solid should be checked out. Can you find a free(ish) clinic?

I am going to sleep but if you have more questions or symptoms I will be on email early. You should rest and hydrate and see if you can find a food that doesn't trouble your stomach. I know this seems like obvious stuff, but absent real tests it's all you are probably gonna get. Rest as much as possible. Feel better.
posted by Divine_Wino 27 June | 01:21
"Go fuck yourself Puke and Cry."
Hate to be rude but yes P&C.
posted by arse_hat 27 June | 01:24
And, kmellis there is a flu going around. I got hit about 2 weeks ago. Mostly hits the sick and the elderly but can spread a wider net. Do the typical flu treatment.
posted by arse_hat 27 June | 01:30
Has anything changed in your routine recently (any new meds, different foods, exposure to ... anything - pesticides, paint, whatever?

Also, I'm wondering about the heat... I've had most of that (not the stomach pain, though) from heat related illness before.
posted by taz 27 June | 01:30
I don't hate to be rude to straight up suckers who can't mind their manners. If you can't handle your liquor or drugs or rage or whatever it is that makes you act a fool Puke&Cry, take it elsewhere chief. God forbid you ever feel sick and ask for a little input, you tedious silly fuck.

I came back right before bed to ask if you (as Taz asked) recently changed any meds? That is a biggie. Once again probably obvious, but a possibility. As a last resort, in a few days maybe, take your ass to the emergency room and give a fake name and wait it out. I know that's not a great solution by any stretch but being healthy trumps everything else.
posted by Divine_Wino 27 June | 01:59
hm, my response must have been funnier in my head. Sorry I drew such ire from you d_w. Think you might be overaction a tad though.
posted by puke & cry 27 June | 02:17
ugh, overation overacting.
posted by puke & cry 27 June | 02:19
No, p&c - it freaked me out, too. I'm glad it was just a (really, really, really) bad joke.

And, Keith... Think about what you did 24-48 hours before the onset of symptoms. Did you go anyhwere different, eat out, order in, or anything at all different? I know some foodborne illnesses, for example, can last up to three days, anyway, and have these symptoms. (Though, IA(so!)NAD)
posted by taz 27 June | 02:20
Seriously though, you probably just have a flu bug. Stay hydrated, lots of water, you might want to start drinking pedialyte. The bug usually last 1 - 2 weeks. If it last longer than that, see a doctor.
posted by puke & cry 27 June | 02:32
i read the post and immediately thought "you're pregnant" before i looked at the poster!
Now there's a thought!
Anyways, i hope you feel better soon.
posted by ramix 27 June | 02:32
Headaches and nausea often equals migraines, unfortunately. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. Not sure where stomach pain factors into it though. It's probably some kind of bug, like everyone else has said. I hope you can lay low and let it run its course - feel better.

Puke & Cry, I loves ya, but I think you need to self-edit a bit more. Lately you've seemed angry and pokey (poking people with sharp sticks that are covered with little bits of more sharp sticks, which are covered get the picture) over on the grey and the blue. I'd hate to see you piss people off here too. I can see how you'd think that comment was funny, but you are probably going to be in the minority on that one!
posted by iconomy 27 June | 07:25
That sounds just like the flu I had early springtime. I was out for 4 days and I've got the constitution of a mule.
posted by sciurus 27 June | 07:30
Keith, sorry if I am being naive or overprotecting, but there are a few community health centers in your area (I used to live near there...) There is usually a very, very small fee for people without insurance. Please go if you do not start feeling better today...
posted by carmina 27 June | 07:35
I'm nursing a wee one with the same symptoms here, so I'm going to add another vote for bug. But these things can really spiral if not cared for properly, so please take carmina's advice and get yourself checked out if things don't improve.
posted by jrossi4r 27 June | 07:55
Damn, I can't seem to find the right wording for this, so to be blunt, those could be the symptoms of heart disease. Eating, exertion and emotion are the 3 E's of angina.

} I hate medical questions on the internet when they involve an issue with which I am familiar. {
posted by mischief 27 June | 08:51
Well, P&C I knew it was joke, I failed to see the humor. My words might have been ugly too, so thank god I'm back down with all the sinners again, the lofty heights are lonely.

Kmellis, let us know how you are doing.
posted by Divine_Wino 27 June | 09:26
I don't have any advice, but I'm sorry you're sick.

Oh wait, I do have advice. Generally, I think the whole acupuncture/meridian thing is nonsense, but one think I leaned that really works for nausea is this: Find the channel between your tibia and your muscle, towards the outside of your leg. Press on said channel, up and down the leg, for a few minutes. Nausea is often relieved.
posted by dame 27 June | 09:38
Are you stressed out at all? That can really do a number on your body...
posted by Specklet 27 June | 10:18
I second carmina. Also, you can usually get a free blood pressure check at pharmacies or fire stations (ask why they wear red suspenders.)

If your temperature or blood pressure are out of safe limits, it needs medical attention.
posted by warbaby 27 June | 10:49
Thanks for the advice. I feel sort of silly for asking, now. I don't know what it is. But whatever it is, the only thing that helps is sleeping. I can't read or be on the 'net without the headaches worsening to intolerability. So I'm going back to sleep after a shower.

I'll probably see a doctor if it doesn't get better in a couple more days. Thanks again. You guys are really sweet.
posted by kmellis 27 June | 11:28
Eye stain?
posted by Divine_Wino 27 June | 11:53
It does sound like a bug. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and check out carmina's link if it doesn't pass soon.

Take care, kmellis, and let us know how you're doing.

PS: When I had an ulcer I found that eating relieved the pain. It also sounds like it could be acid reflux.
posted by deborah 27 June | 12:48
I have heard of abdominal migraines, though I've never known anyone who had one.

Do you have a fever? I would go with a virus, if there's a fever, and look for some other cause if there isn't.

If it's a migraine, it's a doozy, having lasted 4 days, it qualifies as status migrainousus (sp?) and needs medical treatment. Keep hydrated!!
posted by overanxious ducksqueezer 27 June | 17:14
You know, you can call your doctor's office, describe the symptoms to the nurse. She'll ask the doctor if you need to come in and be checked out and call you back. He knows your medical history, knows if there are bugs going around, etc.

We're just monkeys banging on typewriters, though luckily not flinging that much poo around.
posted by overanxious ducksqueezer 27 June | 17:57
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