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Comment Feed:


16 June 2006

Possible New Philathropic Ventures for the Overlord Gates? [More:] Now that Mr. Bill is stepping down from Microsoft's Evil Tower, let's think of new ways he can improve the world with his new philanthropic bent!
I wonder how many Americans he could bail out of credit card debt?
posted by Miko 16 June | 12:12
Maybe he'll keep doing things like giving $750 million to vaccinate African children.
posted by agropyron 16 June | 12:12
Nah. He'll probably buy a sports team. Or two.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 16 June | 12:15
Actually, the guy and wife are excellent philanthropists, and I fault them nothing. If everyone in the top 1% followed their example, what an amazing nation we'd have.
posted by Miko 16 June | 12:18
I hear he's working on a cure for the heartbreak of vox muppetus.
posted by PinkStainlessTail 16 June | 12:19
Plus his dad came out AGAINST the Republican side of the inheritance tax issue . . .

Windows still sucks, but still. . .
posted by danf 16 June | 12:24
Okay, points made, valid all. NOW, what would YOU do with the Foundation money if you were in charge of it?
posted by Lipstick Thespian 16 June | 12:28
hookers and blow.
posted by Capn 16 June | 12:33
I don't know anything at all about the topic at hand, but I like what you're saying, Capn.
posted by Hugh Janus 16 June | 12:34
What Miko said, I have nothing but respect for the Gates. And I don't have a problem with Windows.

He could give me a million dollars (tax pre-paid, of course) and never miss it. A million dollars isn't greedy. Is it?
posted by deborah 16 June | 12:35
I am not sure what I would do with it . . .he is really smart and I "trust" him to spend it wisely.

I know that if you apply for any Gates Foundation funding, and ask for enough money that it comes to his attention, you had BETTER have your shit together.

Ending malaria seems a good way to spend one's time.
posted by danf 16 June | 12:38
Ice cream novelties for everyone!
posted by Hugh Janus 16 June | 13:11
He should do what Elton John did in the seventies, and spend all of it on cocaine and flowers.
posted by SassHat 16 June | 13:30
I'm really into ending poverty (and its associated ills, hunger, illness, lack of education, lack of opportunity), since I think it's the most pernicious evil in this country and in the world at large. But I don't really know how to do it, so I can't help Mr. Gates figure out how. Head Start has been a good step in the right direction, but it's pretty infinitesimal.
posted by Miko 16 June | 14:19
Bill Gates should get Christo to make a 60-story orange cloth bust of him and erect it in NYC's Central Park.
posted by Hugh Janus 16 June | 14:21
He should use it to create an island retreat, then lure lots of artists and creative types, and also develop teleporter technology, and clone and magnify the brains of psychically sensitive persons and put this brain inside a giant monster then teleport it in to the middle of a major population center.
posted by Capn 16 June | 14:25
I Hate T-Mobile || Odds are that someone, somewhere presently on this planet is making a pillow.