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Comment Feed:


16 June 2006

keep me entertained I'm really bored. Tell me something interesting.
I just got an email from a friend that (paraphrased) went something like:

"So when I left you last night, I ran into my coke dealer and thought "what the hell" so I'm out of cash. Then I apparently dialed my ex 5 times and begged him to come back, at least that's what the messages on my phone today tell me. I don't remember that because of all the beer we drank and I also think I took a couple of ambien. My landlord said he'll hold the eviction notice off a couple of weeks so hopefully I can drum up some work. In the meantime, I don't think the antibiotics are working".

I have toned it down slightly, but it still sounds like something out of a fake AskMe thread even though I swear it's true.

I need more friends who have their shit together.
posted by gaspode 16 June | 09:28
I am interviewing my potential replacement today. Sadly I don't get any one-on-one time with the candidate. But it's a weird position I don't think I've ever been in before, I hold a large amount of power, but have almost no investment in the process.
posted by Capn 16 June | 09:32
There is such a thing as Vegetarian Haggis. This blows my mind.
posted by jonmc 16 June | 09:35
I've had vegetarian haggis. In Scotland. The real version is better.
posted by gaspode 16 June | 09:37
But isn't haggis by it's very definition non-vegetarian?
posted by jonmc 16 June | 09:43
that never stopped the tofurkey people, jon. Fear them.
posted by gaspode 16 June | 09:52
Well, the same place had spotted dick and Marmite chips, too (the Marmite chips were actually pretty tasty). The British Empire, what a place.
posted by jonmc 16 June | 09:54
Capn, I too had that power when I left my job in Florida. My boss was silly enough to listen to my suggestion, which was to hire one of our employee's uncle. My boss listened to me because I'd seen him at his former job, my roommate had worked for him. What I didn't tell her is that the dude had a major drug problem, his wife had just left him, his house had been destroyed in the hurricane and the hotel room wasn't being covered by insurance anymore. All these factors lead to a major meltdown, and the dude was freaking bonkers. But I figured, why not give the man a leg up when he's in need? Also, his nephew, my employee, was my drinking buddy.
posted by SassHat 16 June | 09:54
I have some thoughts on the problems with vegetarian food.
posted by Capn 16 June | 09:54
Here's a couple of toronto blogs:
spacing wire
posted by Capn 16 June | 09:56
Vegetarian haggis is the most contradictory thing I've heard of. What was the rationale in that brainstorm session "see, vegetarians are denied the delicious flavor of sheep organs, lets recreate the taste but make it out of soy and shit."
posted by SassHat 16 June | 09:57
That reminds me...HeatherAnn was supposed to give me links to her favorite TO blogs...I shall hunt her down and kill her for this transgression!
posted by SassHat 16 June | 10:12
'pode, I have a few friends like that and I find it really difficult to not get wrapped up in the stress and negativity that the hardcore party scenesters tend to carry around with them. I've certainly have received calls like that before - and worse!
posted by SassHat 16 June | 10:20
For the record, I loves me some haggis, especially its honest sonsie face; great chieftain o' the puddin' race!
posted by Hugh Janus 16 June | 10:23
And Capn, (this is really a response to your "thoughts" link) the vegetarian Buddhist Rolls at Doyer's (Vietnam) Restaurant in Manhattan are so good I could eat them breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the rest of my life. Even with mouthwatering Caramel Pork on the same menu!
posted by Hugh Janus 16 June | 10:28
I stand behind everything Hugh just wrote.
posted by gaspode 16 June | 10:30
Just one more reason for me to move to New York I guess.
posted by Capn 16 June | 10:37
Hugh, Pode:

I murdered a grand styrofoam container of caramel pork and satay watercress (the new new secret shit from Doyers) yesterday. Even thought it put me over budget. I've converted several other office mates to it as well. If only peace and good will had the same delicious flavor as caramel pork with black pepper, we'd be living in harmony right now!

Sasshat, here is my entertainment for you, my morning adventure.
posted by Divine_Wino 16 June | 10:49
Today on the way to work, a fight broke out between two distinguished gentlemen that looked more like a cross between an epileptic seizure and a pigeon dance. Evidently they were sparring over a woman, who watched the fight and ululated mightily over the injustice of it all. (She was wrapped in a tatty blue blanket and had no shoes.)

The bus arrived. On board there was Schizoid Commentator Man, who rides along and makes sotto voce comments about how the bus driver is in league with the government. This was punctuated by the hissing whine of a woman sitting behind me who chose to inaugurate her new Ipod with some blistering speedmetal.

I ask you, what good are fucking headphones if you can still hear what the person wearing them is listening to on a crowded bus with Schizoid Commentator Man?

posted by Lipstick Thespian 16 June | 10:49
The watercress dish? That's the one me and mr. g tried to order repeatedly when we were all there that time. And they never fucking well brought it. Crying shame.

Oh hell I want to eat there right now.
posted by gaspode 16 June | 10:50
That caramel pork the pode and the wino are jibber-jabbering about is nothing less than the sweet nectar of the gods. or at least their table scraps.
posted by jonmc 16 June | 10:53
I always thought it was more like the kibbles and gravy of the gods' dogs (who naturally eat far better than us mortals, themselves).
posted by Hugh Janus 16 June | 10:56
By that I mean it's delicious, not that it's dogfood.
posted by Hugh Janus 16 June | 10:57
It's certainly what dogs would eat if a god switched their lust for poop and offal into a lust for delicious vietnamese food.
posted by Divine_Wino 16 June | 10:58
dog is god spelled backwards.
posted by Capn 16 June | 11:00
Bone is Enob spelled backwards.

posted by SassHat 16 June | 11:04
In 1999, the domain sold for over 20 gajillion dollars.
posted by Capn 16 June | 11:05
boob is boob spelled backwards.
posted by jonmc 16 June | 11:08
Jon, you just blew my mind.
posted by Capn 16 June | 11:13
Jon spelled backwards is Caramel Pork Explosion.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 16 June | 11:15
*sweeps Capn's mind up with Dustbuster*
posted by jonmc 16 June | 11:15
you missed a spot
posted by trondant 16 June | 11:19
ach, let it roam free.
posted by jonmc 16 June | 11:21
What I mean is, that if the gods don't feed their heavenly dogs better than they do earthly humans, then they ain't much worth worshipping, as far as I can see. I mean, if a dog is a man's best friend, then a god-dog is a god's best friend, and eats accordingly. Like Enkidu.

Well, not really like Enkidu, but dammit, oh, forget it. Caramel pork is great. That watercress kicks ass. And there's some taro root dishes that make me swoon.

And the iced tea with fresh lemon will jack you up for good.
posted by Hugh Janus 16 June | 11:24
Has anyone ever seen that wacky Todd Solondz flick, PALINDROMES?
posted by Joe Famous 16 June | 11:56
Yeah, a friend of mine is in it. Wacky is, uh, charitable.
posted by Hugh Janus 16 June | 12:24
Yeah, I know if forwards and backwards.
posted by safetyfork 16 June | 12:37
I have a pal working on a palindrome comic right now, that's sick stuff.
posted by safetyfork 16 June | 12:38
Oh, wait...I'm supposed to be telling Sasshat something interesting right now. Sorry, Sass!
posted by safetyfork 16 June | 12:39
*puts self in reverse time warp*
posted by safetyfork 16 June | 12:39
This is kind of like the odometer scene in Ferris Bueller where they're trying to reverse it, but it just won't budge.

OMG! Cameron stop kicking the car!
posted by safetyfork 16 June | 12:41
Go ask fake questions at Yahoo! Answers. I'm sure that'll relieve your boredom.
posted by deborah 16 June | 12:43

That's OK, when so and so gets home to tonight me and the old man are going to have a talk, or whatever.

I'm playing show tomorrow at the tank nyc, Sasshat. It should be fun. You're invited. Sorry about the distance, I couldn't reverse it. :(
posted by safetyfork 16 June | 12:44
I'm waiving my arms over here, sass. Do you see me? I'm trying to entertain!
posted by safetyfork 16 June | 12:46


I understand.



posted by safetyfork 16 June | 12:49
Hugh, it was actually pretty interesting.

What part did your friend play?
posted by Joe Famous 16 June | 13:07
sorry safetyfork, I was on my lunch break! I much enjoyed your comments and they have entertained my post-lunch self very much.

Hugh, I love TS and Palindromes was good. Who did you know in that movie? I am so impressed right now.
posted by SassHat 16 June | 13:23
Uh, I have to be careful here, I think, since he's the famous one, not me. Though he's not as famous for acting as for writing. That's a pretty broad hint, and I'm gonna kick myself for it. If you figure his name out, please don't post it here.
posted by Hugh Janus 16 June | 13:37
I will schedule my act better next time!
posted by safetyfork 16 June | 13:37

posted by deadcowdan 16 June | 13:52
I am now safely home from work.


Thank you all for entertaining me during a very quiet friday in the office.
posted by SassHat 16 June | 17:44
Jeff Mills - Live on John Peel 22.05.2002 (96011 KB) || HAAAASSELLHOOOOOOOFFFFFF!