yay wal-mart! →[More:]
I just bought about twenty bags of discounted bulbs. Mostly Dahlias which are still fantastic looking, they will bloom by fall and with heavy mulching they will surive the winter and be awesome next year and I paid about as much for all of these bulbs as a couple of them would have cost me in spring.
I also got some mixed lilies, no clue what will be in there but they are sprouting and thus still alive. I will find a good place that gets partial shade and plant them and see what I get next year (probably too late for blooms this year).
And a birdbath. A pretty nice concrete one for 20 bucks. I liked it as well as one I saw at Home Depot for 70 bucks.
They had tons of glads, but I worry that most of them are dry. Some were sprouting. If I get a lot done, I might pick up a couple of bags if any are left. If 1/5 of them come up I am still paying less than I would have paid for them before the markdowns.