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Comment Feed:


03 June 2006

How we spent our Saturday. What have y'all been up to?
I just played in a world-wide bridge tournament. My partner and I won at our club. We're currently sitting around 70th in the world, although not all the clubs have posted their scores yet.
posted by gaspode 03 June | 17:22
I wonder if I'm top 100 in the world at something.
posted by mike9322 03 June | 17:24
WOW, gaspode, that's cool! Congrats!
posted by BoringPostcards 03 June | 17:28
Maybe you are, maybe you aren't, but how is your campaign on improving your rank on the Top 10,000 Mikes List turning out?

posted by Lipstick Thespian 03 June | 17:28
Oh, and by the way, I've done jack-all today other than study my lines for the show and recover from my hangover.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 03 June | 17:29
Thanks! It looks like you had a lovely day (raining raining raining here). I really like this picture, of the case.
posted by gaspode 03 June | 17:30
gaspode that's awesome!

I slept all damn day- slept in until 12, went to brunch with the pastors, then came back at 2:30 and went right back to sleep. Just woke up again.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 03 June | 17:45
I went to the gym. Took a Pilates class. Just before it started, I moved my mat out further into the room. About three minutes into the class, a stack of aerobic steps crashed right behind me, one bounced and hit my arm, but it didn't hurt. Freeeeky. If I hadn't moved, I would have been embarrasingly hurt.

Then I stuck around for Belly Dancing. (!) I seem to have no inherent aptitude for the form, but neither did anyone else. The instructor was so very graceful though we all wanted to be her for an hour. I previously privately scoffed that Belly Dancing had any true exercise value? But my upper back is already sore and I want a jingly skirt.

Gaspode, you are the coolest.
posted by rainbaby 03 June | 17:47
That looks WAY fun, BP. I love flea-marketing.

I woke up at 7, went back to sleep, and woke up again at 10:15. Yay! I needed that. Then I had breakfast and read, then went to the dump (a Maine Saturday morning ritual), then went shopping. Filled the propane for the gas grill. And bought myself a couple of real indulgences -- some cute spangly summer shoes that I totally don't need, and a really super wonderful summer dress that I also really don't need. I shouldn't have bought those things (I was ostensibly shopping for practical work clothes), but it's going to do me good to feel cutely dressed in the near future. Even got some nail polish for my toenails to enhance the cute shoe effect.

I called my friends G & A and made plans to meet tonight for drinks and dinner. I found out I'd been invited to do a gig downtown in a couple weeks (!). And I went running for about an hour in the pouring rain. So a pretty busy day after all.
posted by Miko 03 June | 17:55
I didn't do anything near as fun. I helped my wife clean out her classroom and bring all her stuff home, perhaps for the last time.
posted by Doohickie 03 June | 19:14
G & A were fun. We just went to Victory for a tasty expensive dinner. I had salmon Nicoise, and I started with an Elijah Craig Bourbon *(not as good as Makers) and then we had a Kermit whoever Cotes du Rhone, finished with a cheese plate, then went to a dive bar. Fun night.
posted by Miko 03 June | 23:18
I laid around all day, watching TV and surfing. Read up a bunch on the Star Wars dvds coming out in September...trying to decide if it's worth it to waste a bunch of time on acquiring "archive" copies or not...
posted by muddgirl 04 June | 00:03
Went to day one of art in the park. Did some gardening. Washed some windows and installed some shelving units I built.
posted by arse_hat 04 June | 02:00
I drank with the MeCha homies...I'm going to sleep now. Peace and turkey grease to those in PDX who know who they are. Nice shirt, bean.
posted by hyperlith 04 June | 05:38
Gardening. I joked about how much fun being part of a garden tour is, but it still does involve cleaning up. Fresh alder chips on the pathways, etc.

I helped out at the free store yesterday, then took my canoe out in the channel between islands (calm calm calm water).

It's overcast today. I'm washing rocks.

Congrats, gaspode! :) Bridge is on my list of things to learn... later. First I need to master Bingo.
posted by reflecked 04 June | 07:41
Had a business brunch (which was nicer than it sounds) and then gardening, and then a really close friend who is visiting the area from Baltimore with one of her friends came over & we all went out to dinner at the Brew N' View. Good Saturday.
posted by mygothlaundry 04 June | 09:18
Okay, I'm Leaving Now, and There Better Be Some Goodies Here for Me When I Get Back! || Gah!