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31 May 2006

Curious Characters of my Commute! [More:]Nothing beats public transportation for great people-watching. Or, conversely, people-avoiding. The following is a short catalog of the folks I spend time with every morning on the way to work:

Heavy Metal Dude - guy in his 40's with a slack, thinning grey mullet who always has Ozzy cranked on his headphones and who wears flip-flops (with the attendant flip-flopsweat), and a hoodie with painted flames flying up from the cuffs. This man is a dead ringer for the Bus Driver from the Simpsons.

"Chatty" Alvarez - This is a guy who hangs out at my stop and who is one of those people who talks loudly, and yet slowly, and yet about nothing. One of those people who is nice enough, but you still find yourself numbly parroting back anything he says in the hopes that the conversation will end soon. Which only comes across as a volley from your side for yet another amusing anecdote about his mother, or the weather.

Drunk Statue Guy - This guy is the saddest character I encounter on my way to work. DSG sits numbly in his seat, with an overpowering flat stench of old cigarettes and years of alcohol abuse rising out of his pores. DSG never mores, never speaks. He is the decaying essence of despair.
We have Crazy John on the sidewalk of 31st street just outside the Ditmars station. He has long raggedy hair and beard and he's unwashed but he has a beatifically serene expression on his face, which makes him look like a cross between Ted Nugent and Gandhi. He speeks fluent Greek. He never panhandles but he's always around.
posted by jonmc 31 May | 10:34
I live for the day when I can meet you in person and hear you say the phrase, "Ditmars Station."

That is all.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 31 May | 10:35
Heh. Pips' commute has as many odd folks on it as mine since she has to ride all the way up to Fordham Road. (She drove me past her school the other day, on the way back from City Island, which I have concluded is the urban version of Martha's Vineyard).
posted by jonmc 31 May | 10:40
Hey, speaking of Ditmars, you wanna meet a crazy bearded character on your commute and wind up drinking with him at the Remote Sports Bar, jonmc? Anyone else is welcome, too.

My commute is all of a block's walk, but even in such a short space, there's a character: Bullets Jacket Lady is about 5'4" tall, 5'4" wide, wears a large satin Washington Bullets jacket in all weather, and smiles toothlessly at me whenever she sees me, sometimes stopping to watch me pass. Sometimes she rocks the Radio Rahim tip with a little one-speaker tape deck on her shoulder. And sometimes she's all business, grim-faced and walking with serious purpose. I make it a point to smile at her and nod like I've known her for years.
posted by Hugh Janus 31 May | 10:46
We gots Zanta
posted by Capn 31 May | 10:46
Hey, speaking of Ditmars, you wanna meet a crazy bearded character on your commute and wind up drinking with him at the Remote Sports Bar, jonmc

Sounds good to me, dawg. Usual time & place?
posted by jonmc 31 May | 10:47
posted by Hugh Janus 31 May | 10:48
and the iPod just fired up Hanoi Rocks "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams," but the veal fattening pen is full today so that precludes thrashing around in my chair. *sigh*

Do I have to tell you your my lover, Do I have to tell you I'm your slave, and do we have to dance until we're dancing on my grave....
posted by jonmc 31 May | 10:50
I wanna hang out with Hugh Janus and be all cool and Nooyawkish!

*massively craves a trip out East to meet the NYC Mechat crowd*

*but not before he stops off in Chicago to meet the Midwest Mechat crowd*

posted by Lipstick Thespian 31 May | 10:56
The strangest guy I ever saw on a commute was I guy I used to call "Fester" (in my head anyway). He was a short, round bald guy who always wore a suit. This was a SEPTA train from Delaware to Philly. He always got on at the same stop as me, which was close to the beginning of the line, so the train would be pretty empty. When we'd pull into a stop down the line, he'd mix in with the new crowd and head up into the next car, pretending like he just boarded the train. Then he'd look for a female passenger with an empty seat next to them and he'd plop right down, even if there were plenty of other seats available. Fester was Creepy.
posted by Otis 31 May | 11:01
Yeah, you gotta come up here, bro. We know how to make (hush hush) pyramids out of beer cans (shhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone). And all the bartenders are dreamy. Well, except at certain places in Queens, where they're muscly, bossy, and thoroughly agreeable.
posted by Hugh Janus 31 May | 11:02
Hanoi Rocks vs. Saigon Kick, on the next METALCHAT.
posted by Eideteker 31 May | 11:08
We no longer have Forest, the affable black homeless hi IQ hobo, who's health gave out after decades on the streets of TriBeCA. He's in a nursing home in Chicago.

Forest was conversationally fluent in at least 26 languages, of course Spanish, Italian, French and German. But also two Chinese dialects, Japanese, Polish and Russian.

His specialty was all those Balkan state X-astan languages.

He also had a local tournament scrabble high score of 1253.

The funniest thing was the time I was talking to him, and an old Chinese guy and his son walked by. The old man said something in Chinese. Foest says "excuse me" and gets up to rant at the guy in Mandarin.

The old man starts to bow and grovel apologetically.

What was that about, I ask.

Forest replied:

"He said: do they allow these people here?"

"And I said: you should thank me for being here, because after they remove me they will remove you next. You're not a citizen are you? I am here fighting for your rights."
posted by StickyCarpet 31 May | 11:09
Does anyone remember the coupon fairy who used to go to the Cala Foods in SF? He'd dress up in high heels and a nice dress and leave coupons on the relevant items in the store, late at night.
posted by small_ruminant 31 May | 11:24
great song jon. They're on tour now, just about everywhere but the states:

I'm dying to see them.
posted by Hellbient 31 May | 11:27
About 15 years ago I lived downtown and rode the infamous "route 2" bus here in Atlanta. I often waited at the bus stop with a large woman who'd tell me about her diabetes, and how the illness was making the tops of her feet split open.

Coming home from work I had to wait at the train station for a bus to pick me up for about an hour, from 11pm till midnight, every Sunday night. (Was too poor for a taxi in those days, and anyway, I'd just bring a book.) In the winter months there was an older man who'd pace around the bus platform in circles to keep warm, with his artificial leg creaking every other step... screak... screak... screak...

One night while I was waiting there, a slightly disoriented woman of about 45 or so came up to me, and I could see scrapes and bruises on her face. She told me she'd been run over by a car that day, and needed to catch a bus to Georgia Tech. I looked on the schedule for her (her glasses had been broken) and I told her that she'd already missed the last bus. She wandered off into the dark, refusing my offer to call the police or somebody for her. I've often wondered what happened to her.

I still ride the train to work almost every day, but not coming from downtown, my fellow commuters are a little less colorful.
posted by BoringPostcards 31 May | 11:57
Is it time for a mercy killing? || Use your hot, hot brains to help me cool down my apartment.