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Comment Feed:


31 May 2006

It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
The Greenskeepers seem to have a direct line to my id, fascinating.
posted by Divine_Wino 31 May | 13:17
And another from the musical.
posted by jelly 31 May | 13:18
Around my way we say "JUSTPUTTHEFUCKINGLOTIONINTHEBASKET" at around the third or fourth request for someone to do something that goes unanswered.

posted by Divine_Wino 31 May | 13:22
After clicking through, I got some weird page that seemed to want me to update windows media/quicktime/realplayer, and I could choose which one. Or something. Bastards!
posted by taz 31 May | 13:55

i rather enjoyed it.
posted by ethylene 31 May | 14:03
I hated, was appalled by this, AND I haven't been able to stop humming,whistling and singing the damn song since I heard it last year. heh.. I've even resorted to tuba music to re-direct.

posted by reflecked 31 May | 14:05
My all-time favorite internet meme. (Perhaps that says something about me...)
posted by YouCanCallMeAl 31 May | 14:12
I took care of a woman (when working in Seattle) who'd been kept captive, and beaten regularly by her ex-husband (I don't think he was going to skin her, admittedly). She was in horrific condition, and, last I knew, had not recovered some of her mobility and mental health. I can't find the humour.

posted by reflecked 31 May | 14:24
I ain't gonna touch that except to say that the world is horrible so I laugh at it.
posted by Divine_Wino 31 May | 14:32
dang, i thought the mefi neo-puritan brigade hadn't made it to metachat.
posted by keswick 31 May | 14:34
Steady on kes, it's not like reflecked screamed "YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED AND BANNED YOU HORRIBLE HORRIBLE TROG." Some things get to people and they go ahead and express that. For instance, I can't watch The League of Gentlemen anymore because the veterinarian sketches make me physically ill and they're all I can think of when an episode comes on (true, they are easier to skip on the DVDs). Not a condemnation of the show or anyone who likes the Dr Chinery sketches, just a fact.
posted by PinkStainlessTail 31 May | 15:26
Yeah, I'd say the main thing here is we try to only bang heads once or twice rather than the 50 plus per thread on mefi.
posted by Divine_Wino 31 May | 15:39
That's beacuse some of us are wearing metal masks.
posted by Hugh Janus 31 May | 15:49
My homegirl wore a tiara for her drivers license photo, now she has to carry the tiara everywhere or she can't buy beer.
posted by Divine_Wino 31 May | 15:55
Yeah, sorry friends. Abuse bothers me, and that little vid DID strike a jangled chord.

No way would I crit keswick's (or anyone's)taste, just the vis itself. It's an ugly subject; the glamour didn't work on me. The clip must be a take on Harris' The Silence of the Lambs, which was a great book.

Civility rules on Metachat. :)

posted by reflecked 31 May | 18:00
Yeah, there are some things I find offensive or unfunny because they mock a type of situation I've been close to. (A recent example) I think the thing to do is to realise that most people need or want to laugh at the things which up close aren't that funny and that even though it's upsetting for some it's still ok to laugh at these things. I draw the line when jokes are told in a social situation where someone is knowingly made to feel uncomfortable, but this is the internets and it's more of a public forum.

The size of the community makes it almost impossible to stray into any area of black humour without treading on a few toes. This doesn't mean anything goes, but I think people have to be aware that they're going to read things that can upset them or which they're gonna have strong opinions about. I try not to take it personally. Mainly, because people don't realise that my father had to give up a promising career as a pianist (the one thing he loved) after the accident *

God. This is sounding Soapbox'ish.
PinkStainlessTail said it all better than me anyway.

* An old work joke. Newbie (a) would be encouraged to enquire about a specific persons (b) Father playing piano at an upcoming event. (b) would then break down in "tears" and pull a sob story about his Father's love of piano and his missing hands. Mortification on the part of (a) would ensue closely followed by much hilarity.
posted by seanyboy 31 May | 18:12
I've never understood that "hazing" type of humour, either... but that's another story. :D

wow.. seanyboy, I'm so very glad I missed that thread you linked to; that was a very sad thing to read.

posted by reflecked 31 May | 18:30
Sometimes I can't watch telly because everything is about child abuse or beating someone with a stick, and it's not a personal experience flashback problem as much as the general "I'm not in the mood to watch rape" kinda of thing.
Television's gotten awfully dodgy.
posted by ethylene 31 May | 18:44
Starbucks is Way More Than Just Lattes! || Yo, do any of you MeChazens live in or near Pittsburgh?