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30 May 2006

Saw a dead red fox in the street this morning. Didn't even know we had fox in my suburban neighborhood. It felt poignant and symbolic, and a hellish way to start the day. I really need something to help me keep my sanity. Not sure what.
how 'bout this?
posted by jelly 30 May | 08:39
Saw a dead red fox

You big dummy.
posted by jonmc 30 May | 08:46

Thanks, jelly. Thanks.
posted by shane 30 May | 08:49
Here's a live one from south of Cleveland.
posted by sciurus 30 May | 08:49
I wonder if the red fox said "I'm coming to join you, Elizabeth!"

I wish I had a video camera with me so I could show you guys the huge swarm of bees that's waiting for me right outside my office window. I seriously cannot get to my car right now. There are about 2000 of them.
posted by iconomy 30 May | 08:51
Crap, iconomy! Are there guard dogs there, too?
posted by jelly 30 May | 08:55 are way too smart to be standing near a swarm of 2000 bees. Three men just walked by, started swatting, looked up, yelled, and ran back to their car.

I guess I should call someone, but I don't know who. Some kind of Beekeepers Association. We have a church right next to us, and it looks like the hive might be in one of their trees.
posted by iconomy 30 May | 09:05
frikkin militant church-goin bees! I bet the blue haired ladies shoot those bees out of their mouths!
posted by jelly 30 May | 09:08
They're all toting little tiny bibles! This is freaky.
posted by iconomy 30 May | 09:09
bzzz bzzzz, the power of Christ compels you. The POWER of Christ compels you!

I bet their wearing sensible shoes too!

(how ya feeling now, Shane?)
posted by jelly 30 May | 09:15
I think them bees are in one of them Left Behind books, Apollyon, I reckon.
posted by sciurus 30 May | 09:15
Three men just walked by, started swatting, looked up, yelled, and ran back to their car.

Somehow that makes me almost as happy as sciurus's live Cleveland fox. Idiots! LOL.

We have an amateur beekeeper here where I work. Last time we had a bees' nest on the property he drove home, came back in his full white suit and mask, and removed the nest to his (nearby) house. Cool.

Somehow thinking of that makes me feel better too. Of course, iconomy, somebody's just going to needlessly nuke your bees with a bunch of toxic chemicals. Right, there we go again. People are idiots.

I've dealt with a swarm of bees without any protective clothing. Slowly caulked them out of their nest in the bricks in the front wall. It's all in your vibe and attitude--not a one stung me.


Heh. Better now, jelly--thanks again!
posted by shane 30 May | 09:17
my pleasure, S. As for philosophy, the only thing that has worked for me is therapy. Seriously. And speaking of head shrinking . . . I'm off! (so to speak)
posted by jelly 30 May | 09:24
Oh, and yes, bee people are very cool!
posted by jelly 30 May | 09:25
Of course, iconomy, somebody's just going to needlessly nuke your bees with a bunch of toxic chemicals. Right, there we go again. People are idiots.
I know! That's why I didn't call anyone. I was going to call the church but you know they'd have an exterminator come right over. I'm just watching. They're still swarming, but they seem to be calming down, and they're all buzzing around the tree on the church property now - they've left our parking lot. I wonder what set them off...lawn mowing, maybe?

I'm still looking up beekeepers online to see if there's anyone local. I know there's a professional beekeeper at MeFi who has the name of someone to contact locally - he emailed me about a beekeeping comment I had made on MeFi, and we exchanged a few emails and then I asked him if he wanted to become a member (before signups were open). I paid some $$ and he joined. But I can't remember his username! D'oh.
posted by iconomy 30 May | 09:27
I think them bees are in one of them Left Behind books, Apollyon, I reckon.

Those were little armored demons on locust back, if memory serves: there's a hilarious scene where two of the characters look at one under a magnifying glass.

I got surprisingly far in that series out of sheer bloodymindedness.
posted by PinkStainlessTail 30 May | 09:32
Me too, I stopped after that one.
posted by sciurus 30 May | 09:47
As for philosophy, the only thing that has worked for me is therapy. Seriously.

Ah, hell, I don't see my shrink for another three weeks...
...and all he ever does is listen to me spew then ask me the occasional pointed question. He's a good guy, though, and you can't beat a $20 copay. LOL.


Unrelated (except for its effect on my current mood:

Several of us protested convicted felon Sam Mazzola and his poor "wrestling" bear Ceasar last Friday. Ceasar looked sluggish and drugged and had bare ass-cheeks from mange or from sitting in a small cage all day.

Julie, a young student protester, got video footage of Mazzola telling her in graphic detail "what she really needs," photographing her, and telling her he would hunt her down.

Many people were threatened by Mazzola that night. He told friends of mine, right in front of two police officers, that he knows who they are and where they live.

Mazzola and his people routinely take photos of protesters and tell them they will "find them." They have a nice shot of me talking on my cellphone, ignoring them, but flipping them off at the same time.

Sometimes it's just all too freakin' much.

Here's Mazzola's rap-sheet, if anyone's interested, including USDA citations, investigation for trading cocaine for steroids, 18 months in the pen, mandatory anger management course, etc.
posted by shane 30 May | 09:48
I ran through a swarm of bees when I was 4. I didn't even know what I did until I got on the other side of the street where everyone was staring at me.
Ever since then, I've had an extraordinary knack for catching a buzz. *yuckyuck*
posted by Hellbient 30 May | 10:05
Did you run into my friend peppermint when you were protesting, shane?
posted by sciurus 30 May | 10:08
Did you run into my friend peppermint when you were protesting, shane?

I'd probably know her by face, I suppose, Adam. I left a comment on her 'blog asking her if we met up. Cool!
posted by shane 30 May | 10:17
I was once the sole victim of an entire horde of wasps after an errant frisbee throw in a park. We're talking the whole nest, acting as one flying horde, all around my poor haid. I must have gotten about 20 stings.

Never been stung before or since - guess my karmic sting-threshold came all at once.
posted by Lipstick Thespian 30 May | 10:31

If you find it, tell me what it is, willya?
posted by matildaben 30 May | 11:35
Happier foxes.

≡ Click to see image ≡
posted by Wolfdog 30 May | 12:22
Cheers, FoxWolfdog.
posted by shane 30 May | 12:34
This morning I passed a dead rat which was lying on its back. When I looked up from it, I saw a tiny brown rabbit run across the lawn of the library and into the bushes. I went to the bushes to get a better look at it (being from Cali I'm still not used to seeing rabbits loose), and we looked at each other for a minute.

I hope that helps!
posted by halonine 30 May | 19:30
Aww, thanks halonine. That reminds me, I love it when I'm walking at night and a mommy rabbit runs right across in front of me. It means she's trying to draw attention away from her nearby babies.
posted by shane 31 May | 07:39
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