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Comment Feed:


30 May 2006

I just gave HBO's "Big Love" a try. First two episodes. I want to like it. I don't really have a moral problem with the premise. I'm sort of interested. But there's a problem.[More:]
It's making me anxious or something. I know for certain that it's not a subconscious ickiness with polygamy. But I am definitely uncomfortable after watching the two episodes and I couldn't watch another. Maybe it's just because I can't find a character to identify with. Anyone else have this reaction?
I watched the first episode. I didn't have any particular problem with the show, but nothing grabbed me. No chemistry.
posted by I Love Tacos 30 May | 10:12
I feel that anxiety too- And I think it does have something to do with the premise. Like they're trying to use it to titilate us, instead of writing a show that's actually interesting? Strip it away, and what do you have left? Snoozefest.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 May | 10:13
You know, TPS, I think you hit it. I wasn't horribly bothered by the premise, so I found it boring.

Both of my wives agree.
posted by I Love Tacos 30 May | 10:19
Yeah, so far it has been awfully boring. That alone wouldn't make me anxious, I don't think.

I'm wondering if perhaps I'm simply made anxious by the idea of these complex interpersonal love relationships. Hmm. As I type this, it starts to sound right. I'm one of those people who really like people to get along and, more importantly, I have a tendency to manage people close to me to facilitate that. This context? I think it overwhelms me.

Which bodes very badly for my long-held theoretical ideas favoring line-marriage.
posted by kmellis 30 May | 10:20
If you want people to get along and be successful, don't watch Six Feet Under. It's utterly brilliant at showing people making a massive trainwreck of their own lives and the lives of people they love.
posted by matildaben 30 May | 10:25
I've been watching it. I felt a bit uneasy after a few episodes, but stick with it. I've seen them all (up to the finale next sunday) and I love it! I really started enjoying it after episode 5 or 6. It's important to remember that it's in its first season, so it may take some time to develope... but it's one of my favorite HBO shows since I started watching the Sopranos.
posted by nitsuj 30 May | 10:28
That's true, too, nitsuj- it seems like the marketing efforts of TV channels push a show so much at the beginning, that people forget that a show evolves a lot in it's first season, so even if you don't like it at first, you might like it latter. If you watch Sex and the City's first few episodes, the girls are a lot more down to earth- Carrie wore *sneakers* on a date with Big. Over time, it become more glamourous and over the top (yaaay!).
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 May | 10:34
I liked SFU's first season. Started to watch the second and then I lost interest. I was actually starting to lose interest toward the end of the first, actually. I was thrilled with it at the beginning.

Hmm. I'll consider your advice, nitsuj.
posted by kmellis 30 May | 10:38
TPS, I hated "Sex and the City" until I went back and watched the first season and saw that they actually used to act like real people!
posted by occhiblu 30 May | 10:53
I don't like any of these cable shows. Once you get past the novelty factor, they're basically just soap operas with boobies and swearing.
posted by jonmc 30 May | 11:06
I know, imagine that, occhiblu!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 30 May | 11:10
I've decided to wait til this stuff comes out on DVD. I can't keep up with all of it. I can't help feeling that you miss one episode and yer SOL.
posted by Hellbient 30 May | 11:51
"Rescue Me" comes back tomorrow night, I think. It got on my nerves at first, but then I grew to love it. However, I'm having a problem with "The Sopranos". I'm actually glad it's ending.
posted by redvixen 30 May | 12:23
I hated Sex and the City. Kim Catrall and Kristin Davis are horrible, horrible actresses.

I like Big Love, though. Harry Dean Stanton is worth watching in anything. I particularly love Chloe Sevigny's character. She's not particularly likable, but she's very interesting. She's surprised me on quite a few occasions.

The only things that make me uncomfortable are that it feels like the other two wives are intruders in Barb and Bill's marriage and watching the toll that the lifestyle takes on the children.
posted by jrossi4r 30 May | 12:27
The thing about Big Love is that it's not about polygamy. It's about a bunch of really fucked up (and fascinating) people. If you look at it that way, it's much more fun to watch. Chloe Sevigny is incredible in the show -- so manipulative. Watch her eyes.
posted by mudpuppie 30 May | 12:48
I watched most of the Big Love season, but I gave up and haven't watched the last few episodes. I also felt the anxiety and I determined, that for me at least, it was coming from Chloe Sevigny's character (her acting is great though). She's just an awful person and while awful people can be interesting characters this one just caused me anxiety. On the other hand, the Ginnifer Goodwin character was such a lovable character that I found it hard to believe they could be married to the same man--I want to call this mistake made by the writers, but I reckon that it was done intentionally as a manifestation of the conflict between the Henricksons and the prophet.

Anyway, the domestic conniving of the Sevigny character made the show unwatchable for me. I also have some issues with Mormonism that don't help the matter (it isn't the polygamy part that bothered me, but more so the interactions between the teenage daughter and her friends).

The only show I'm watching on TV regularly nowadays is the Sopranos, which I still love. I can't wait for the new season of the Wire--that's my favorite show.
posted by mullacc 30 May | 14:51
Bah, I always miss out on the good threads.
posted by mullacc 30 May | 19:02
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