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25 May 2006

Next up? Tanooki Suit. So last night while getting acquainted to each other, new bunny Beef Wellington unleashed a furry of bun-fu upon much larger Captain Grendel. Not only did he jump kick at her a few times, he Goomba Stomped her ala Mario Bros!
I don't think they were fighting as there were no grunts or stomps, but they were going at it in classic kung-fu style, sprinting ear to ear up and down the hallway with occasional jumps and invisible nunchuck strikes. Beef twisted away and got some room to build up speed for what looked like a jump kick, but landed butt-first on Grendel's head instead. He then lept again and was off!

Grendel was so confused she just sat there for a moment, no doubt in shock over Beef's amazing new technique.
Are you talking about cats, or are bunnies really that active?
posted by Hugh Janus 25 May | 13:57
In this corner, the challenger: Beef Wellington, MD In the other, the previous champion of ThunderHall*, Captain Grendel.

* ThunderHall: Two Buns Enter, One Bun Scampers Away!
posted by robocop is bleeding 25 May | 13:58
Team Beef Wellington! CUTE. Look at its little paws....argh. I can't stand it.
posted by iconomy 25 May | 14:01
I've had mixed success introducing two rabbits to each other. My Big Bunny and Digger got along famously after being accidentally brought together by my (then) toddler. But Zipper, who we got to keep Big Bunny company after Digger passed on, never really got along with him at all. We tried the neutral territory thing, the ride in the car, etc. to no avail. Hoover seems happy with just us humans, so there's no plan to get him a companion.
posted by tommasz 25 May | 14:10
Shojoji no Tanuki Bayashi

Sho sho Shojoji
Shojoji no niwa wa
Tsu tsu tsukiyo dan minna dete koi-koi-koi
Oira no tomodacha pon-poko-pon no pon

Makeruna makeruna osho-san ni makeruna
Koi koi koi koi-koi-koi
Minna dete koi-koi-koi

Sho sho Shojoji
Shojoji no hagi wa
Tsu tsu tsukiyo ni hana zakari
Oira wa ukarete pon-poko-pon no pon
posted by black8 25 May | 21:17
Awww Crap! || On the Heels of "Ask LT Anything!" it's....