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Comment Feed:


18 May 2006

Eurovision = OMFG Anyone watching this right now? Lordi from Finland? I now want to emigrate to the country that let those lunatics represent them to see if everyone is actually as insane as I believe them to be.

If you live in the USA and you can't watch this show then please - lobby to get involved in this show. Screw the UN, peace in our time can be achieved if only we all make utter tits of our respective nations' reputations in this god-awful masquerade...
I love Eurovision. Despite the political voting, it binds Europe together and makes me feel like part of one big family.

Random Fact #24: Finland has one of the highest suicide rates in the world.
posted by flopsy 18 May | 16:53
I have been watching the Lordi video on YouTube (or is it Google Video? I can never tell them apart) since it was posted to Mefi. It is so awesomely kitch I can hardly believe it.

Vote Lordi on Saturday!
posted by sveskemus 18 May | 17:07
Oh dear God above.
This is probably the best Eurovision song ever.
Bring on the Rock-olypse. I'm getting "Lordi Rocks Europe" Markered onto a plain t-shirt and I'm going to be voting Finland.
posted by seanyboy 18 May | 18:29
how have I missed this band? awesome!

I don't know which video was posted that sveskemus saw, but this one of them winning the Finland contest is pretty funny. You have to wade through the announcers going on for a while.
posted by small_ruminant 19 May | 00:40
hahah. Lordi = awsome.
posted by delmoi 19 May | 01:51
First ran into Lordi with their "Get Heavy" album. One of the songs has a refrain destined for immortality, beginning with the words "the Devil is a loser and he's my bitch!"

Damn straight.
posted by ubersturm 19 May | 02:01
I get a kick out of the German entry, too. An English-language country band called Texas Lightning put together by the stars of a TV comedy show, playing a mix of Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline country classics with straight-faced countrified versions of "Highway to Hell" and "Like a Virgin". And their drummer is called Ringofire. I SO appreciate humor like that.
posted by wendell 19 May | 02:27
small_ruminant: It was this one from this thread.
posted by sveskemus 19 May | 03:57
heh, and I channelsurfed away from three channels yesterday to avoid this thing.

Carola is representing Sweden for a third time. She won her first national contest by getting 12 points from every juror at the tender age of 16. A perfect score has never happened before or since. this is the performance that got her the perfect score
posted by dabitch 19 May | 04:33
Even though she's favourite (not mine), I can't get past the fact that homosexuality seems unnatural to her and she states prayer can make you hetrosexual.

Doesn't she know who watches Eurovision!
posted by seanyboy 19 May | 07:19
omg! a eurovision contest thread. This competetion is beyond kitsch. It is the definition of music degradation, well usually. But it is oh! so funny. The last 3 years we have been having/going to Eurovision parties. Lots and lots of snark.

Occasionally you get to hear some good music though. For instance, 2 years ago the Bosnian entry (Zelico)

I am in the US so I cannot vote, but if I could I would definitely vote Lordi! Yes, for fun.

Meanwhile, I get a kick how the greek media even contemplate whether the greek song will win! I have not been able to listen to the entire song. Unbearable!
posted by carmina 19 May | 10:04
My favourite thing about moving to Melbourne is that they show Eurovision on TV here. But sadly, this year we don't have that channel. I feel so antipodean.
posted by nomis 19 May | 10:19
I love Willie Nelson, but I hate his backing band. || Beastie Boy haiku