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Comment Feed:


15 May 2006

Why does Science hate me? I swear I've been nothing but nice. [More:]Honest to God, it hates me. I don't think I will ever graduate and it will be all Science's fault. Its a wonder I'm sane what with Cre overexpression being lethal to my cells (and I really need them to live - or at least live long enough for me to kill them) and this stoopid mouse cell line refusing to behave. Science, what have I done to make you hate me so? I thought we were friends but I'm starting to think not. Friends don't do things like this to each other. Taunting me with promising data and then snatching it away like that. Science, I think you're a jerk.

Anyways, does anything hate anyone else for no obvious reason?
posted by mike9322 15 May | 10:57
Math. Hates me. HATES.
posted by grapefruitmoon 15 May | 10:59
Algebra hated me in the 8th grade. I would struggle through the homework, only to find questions on the tests that seemed to have no bearing on what we'd done in class. We finally made our peace, but it was a tough year.
posted by JanetLand 15 May | 10:59
Yeah, geography kinda hates me too but I'm hoping to resolve that in the future. I don't think it'll ever be resolved if Science can't learn to be nice to me. At least some of the time anyways.
posted by LunaticFringe 15 May | 11:01
Immigration law hates me.
posted by brainwidth 15 May | 11:02
Metafilter. People. But algebra and I were tight.
posted by dame 15 May | 11:03
Have you tried wearing a bra on your head? Science likes that.
posted by jrossi4r 15 May | 11:04
Science is a fickle mistress, it's true.

Go with the bra thing.
posted by gaspode 15 May | 11:06
The job market hates me. Ditto, immigration law.
posted by sciurus 15 May | 11:07
I may have to. True Story: a friend who worked at the University of Calgary used to do the Naked PCR dance to get some PCRs to work. If a PCR wasn't working and then they danced it would work. Everytime. PCR = magic.
posted by LunaticFringe 15 May | 11:09
My skin hates me. And nice clothes hate me too.
posted by essexjan 15 May | 11:16
Today, I hate EVERYONE.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero 15 May | 11:18
Graduating is overrated.
posted by jonmc 15 May | 11:20
Doesn't immigration law hate everyone? Oh, everyone but my husband. I nearly got deported trying to move to Iceland, but he got a green card and it was practically PAINLESS.
posted by grapefruitmoon 15 May | 11:24
Spiders hate me- 4 bites last night!
posted by small_ruminant 15 May | 11:28
i hate the phone
but i have to get over it and put my mouth near it
that's not the reason i hate the phone
posted by ethylene 15 May | 11:35
gmail hates me.
posted by mygothlaundry 15 May | 11:43
It's not the material I'm at war with. It's the administration (though to be fair, I'm now working with new people who are very accomodating of my 1 credit graduation shortage).

That, and I have the attention span of some weird goldfish-butterfly hybrid I will call a goldurfly. So I'm at war with my goldurn-self.
posted by Eideteker 15 May | 11:45
Architectural models (the cardboard and sticks kind) hate me and I hate them right back.
posted by signal 15 May | 12:22
Science hates me because I refuse to stop traveling faster than the speed of light.

Oh, also because I'm wearing one of those cheesy pleather 8-ball jackets from 1991. Science hates retro-ironic ninties nostalgia.
posted by Divine_Wino 15 May | 12:33
Lightbulbs hate me, or they hate themselves in my presence. It's hard to tell sometimes.
posted by safetyfork 15 May | 12:36
D_W, if you believe science, and you are indeed travelling faster than the speed of light, then you are NOT ABLE to slow down to a speed equal to or slower than c. You're a tachyon! And I'm a nerd!
posted by mike9322 15 May | 12:40
Try thawing out a lower passage stock of the cell line, grow 'em up, and cre-loxing those mofos?
posted by porpoise 15 May | 12:54
just be thankful you don't work with primary cell cultures. look at them sideways and those little bastards do weird shit.
posted by gaspode 15 May | 13:05
what about prison cell cultures? Those are nasty.
posted by jonmc 15 May | 13:08
D_W, if you believe science, and you are indeed travelling faster than the speed of light, then you are NOT ABLE to slow down to a speed equal to or slower than c. You're a tachyon! And I'm a nerd!

I can't drive 55!
posted by Divine_Wino 15 May | 13:19
I don't believe in science.
posted by dg 15 May | 16:41
Also, I am in Adelaide right now and staring at this:

Network or dial-up problems are preventing communication with the Citrix MetaFrame server.
If the problem persists, please contact your network administrator.
Number of failed reconnection attempts: 107

Is it time to give up yet?
posted by dg 15 May | 16:47
If the problem persists, please contact your network administrator.
And then you think "Hang on, I'm the bloody network administrator!"
posted by dodgygeezer 15 May | 16:56
Fortunately, I am no longer a network administrator, for which I give thanks each and every day.

I do however think "I wonder what the chances are of the network administrator being at work at 6.30 in the morning"? The answer to which is, of course, sweet fuck all.

It's all good though, a reboot solves 99% of network problems. I wish people were that easy.
posted by dg 15 May | 17:14
And then you think "Hang on, I'm the bloody network administrator!"

...cue Impostor Syndrome outbreak.
posted by tangerine 15 May | 17:16
Social network analysis software hates me! Why? Why is the only download link on the entire Internet broken? My final project proposal is already overdue! Will nobody think of the data?
posted by halonine 15 May | 21:48
Science frequently hates me too, man. I don't know why - I've devoted so much time to it. But the compound I'm working on refuses to cooperate...
posted by ubersturm 17 May | 15:37
Rock on Rock: || ode to gaspode