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Comment Feed:


15 May 2006

ode to gaspode [More:] actually it's just a big ol' thank you.
It's as if she knew i'd get up from sleeping in and answer the door half dressed with weird collapsed party hair to scare the bajingles out of the delivery guy.

Yes, bunnies do need books and if chins could kill, they would do it in your name.
i haven't looked at my wishlist since i offhandedly did it, and, of course, you would have the divining powers of style on your side to pick the one thing that i might really want, practically making up for weeks of crap.

As if i need more of a reason to hold a 'spode on high: i toast to you, science and you've made my month.
i'm really going to put on more clothes and eat left over quiche, but you get it.
posted by ethylene 15 May | 11:13
If I knock on your door, will you answer it, as described above?

posted by danf 15 May | 11:58

possibly with the addition of a really big stick
the fact i can't see any big sticks around is a bit disconcerting
posted by ethylene 15 May | 12:01
(makes plans to knock before she finds the stick.)

(although I imagine she could do me some bodily harm, with other things at hand.)
posted by danf 15 May | 12:06

I feel stupid saying I'm glad you liked it - of course you like it: you put it on your wish list.

So I'm glad it came while you were home and you didn't have to chase it down at some far away office, cursing the fact that it was sent to you at an inopportune time, and you are now paying good money to pick up something that is rightfully yours! dammit, and now you've taken 2 hours out of your life, if only they could just leave it at your door...

OK. I've had too many problems with UPS recently.
posted by gaspode 15 May | 12:08
I loves me some gaspode.

I also love quiche.If I knock, can I have quiche?
posted by jrossi4r 15 May | 12:14
You're a babe, you're a doll, you're a dolly babe, and i wish only the nost courteous and attractive UPS delivery people in your future.

and i wouldn't even look for a big stick if danf came to the door right now. i'd just stare at him funny and then show him my new book, as i am already battling between the concepts of making coffee or rolling around in bed with the words of Bruce Campbell, despite how amusing metachat seem today.

i think right now i have to mount his big b movie head somewhere so i can stare at it--
--hmm, his chin makes me want coffee.

Hell, jrossi, if you showed up, i'd make quiche.
posted by ethylene 15 May | 12:18
i wish only the nost courteous and attractive UPS delivery people in your future.

Everyplace I've worked there's been some woman who fantasizes about bedding down the UPS guy. Those brown-shirted motherfuckers make out like bandits.
posted by jonmc 15 May | 12:21
it's because they deliver
posted by ethylene 15 May | 12:23
so does the pizza boy, but those dudes never get any.
posted by jonmc 15 May | 12:24
They expect to get paid, and have you seen them?

Man, you are gunking up the thread --
YOu're sooo lucky the smiling face of Bruce defies all gunk
posted by ethylene 15 May | 12:28
I saw Bruce Cambell up close and in person at a film screening once. The chin is bigger in person. BIGGER!
posted by Capn 15 May | 12:50
He's all distinguishly greyed and bespectacled too.
but still nice to wake up to.
posted by ethylene 15 May | 12:53
Can I put food and my rent on my wishlist? Se acepta paypal.
posted by Eideteker 15 May | 14:32
me ♥ gaspode
posted by deborah 15 May | 19:00
Why does Science hate me? I swear I've been nothing but nice. || Let's play Hangman!